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民族艺术审美价值的共同性广泛存在。The intercommunity of ethnic art taste value is a common existence.

在本文中,我们研究了共同性关系是如何影响组织社区的成长的。In this study, we examine how intercommunity relationships affect the growth of organizational communities.

文化具有双重性,即体现人类共同价值的共同性和体现民族价值的民族性。The writer of this paper claims that culture is of duality, i. e. , value-bound intercommunity and nationality.

只有在社会进步的整体发展中实现了文化发展的有机性、整体性、共同性和理想性,才能实现文化融合。The human culture is fused only when all the parts of it have organization, totality, intercommunity and ideality.

但他们都有着追求人性自由和追求对善恶超越的共同性。But they all have to pursue a human nature freedom and pursue the intercommunity which surmounts to the good and evil.

“公共”首先表现为一种公开性、实在性、共有性,“互利性”是公共得以存在的本质。The PUBLIC performances are in the form of publicity, actuality and intercommunity . The MUTUALITY is the essence of public's existence.

在供应链上企业通过彼此之间的信息交流实现资源的整合,降低企业成本,提高运作效率。The enterprises can integrate their resources, reduce the cost and improve the efficiency through the information intercommunity in the supply chain.

科学知识之普遍性来源于科学共同体的共通性,而后者又基于科学家之间的主体间性。The globalness of science comes from the intercommunity of the scientist's community, and the latter comes from the inter-subjectivity of scientists.

从而可以全面地了解我国股票市场的实际情况,掌握我国股票市场微观结构的相关信息及其变化规律。Through international comparison, the author also tries to explain the intercommunity and distinctive aspects of the stock market structure of China.

对热力学平衡态、强度量、内能和可逆过程等概念,与质点、力、势能和质点的运动进行类比后,发现其有共同性。Compare equilibrium state, intensity, intemal energy and reversible process with particle, force, potential energy and motion. Intercommunity was discovered.

这些案例所反映出来的问题带有一定的共性,对目前正在财务危机中苦苦挣扎,或将面临财务危机的民营企业,具备一定的参考价值。In view of intercommunity of financial problems reflected by these cases, the paper has a value of reference to private-owned companies that are struggling to or will meet financial crisis.

西方国家“政府再造”理论中的五项战略,在很大程度上反映了政府改革的共性和发展趋势,值得我们研究和借鉴。The five reform strategies of the "Reinventing Government", have reflected the intercommunity and development of the government reform in great part, which worth researching and using for reference.