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我们必须发现“他者”和主体间性的世界。We must also discover "others" and the intersubjective world.

具体存在的真正的观念里应包含着主体间性的世界。In the very idea of concrete being is contained the idea of an intersubjective world.

建构主体间性课程不仅是必要的,而且是现实的、迫切的。Construction of intersubjective curriculum is not only necessary, but also practical and urgent.

自然主义的主体间性哲学的信仰主义倾向是使其不能成为独立完满理论的致命缺陷。The fideism trend in naturalism intersubjective philosophy is a defect to make it an ideal theory.

解释一个外部的角度来看,一个观察员是包括在分析中,使主体间性。To explain an external point of view an observer is included in the analysis, making it intersubjective.

主体间的可理解性、可沟通性成为译者主体性研究的中心问题。Intersubjective understanding and communication become the focus in the study of translator's subjectivity.

主体之间的可理解性、可沟通性成为译者主体性研究的中心问题。Intersubjective understanding and communication become the focus of the study of translator's subjectivity.

相反,它本身正是追求个体独立精神的主体性课程的产物。On the contrary, the intersubjective curriculum in itself is the result of seeking individual independent spirit.

我们应当以法益平衡为基础,实现主体间关系的和谐。We should take the balance of legal interest as the foundation, and realize the harmony of intersubjective relation.

然而,我们相信主体间性还原和由此所产生的所有问题已经被胡塞尔先期思考过了。However, we believe that this intersubjective reduction and all the problems that arise from it have much preoccupied Husserl.

使用这一标尺,每一个成年人都可以去度量这些儿童,并且我们收集了这些基于主观一致标准的结果。Using this scale, every one of the adults marked every child, and we took those results where intersubjective agreement occurred.

主体性哲学向主体间性哲学的转向有着当代人类思想的现实根源。There is profound realistic causation of the contemporary human that the subjective philosophy veer the intersubjective philosophy.

生态审美是一种秉持间性姿态的审美活动,自我间性是生态审美的一个不可或缺的重要维度。Ecological Aesthetic is a kind of intersubjective aesthetics activity, and selfhood interaction is an indispensable dimension of ecological aesthetic.

21世纪初,非构思写作学及其体系的出现,标志着当代写作学主体间性写作学体系的建立。At the beginning of 21st century, the appearance of unconceived writingology and its related system marks the building of intersubjective writingology.

哲学上主体性向主体间性转向,在翻译研究领域也引起了人们对于翻译主体以及翻译主体间关系的关注。With the intersubjective turn in contemporary philosophy, the study on the intersubjectivity in translation has been highlighted in translation studies.

这一新的主体间环境并不受到之前与他人交往时的冲突的影响,从而允许来访者与咨询师或者他人建立起新的关系。This new intersubjective environment is freed of the conflicts derived via the old expectancies and allows the patient new ways of interacting, with the therapist and with others.

最终,本文认为论者在思考阅听人概念后设主体的差异时,应该跳脱本质主义与独断主义的困境,对多元的阅听人理论,进行互为主体的辩证与尊重。Finally, this paper concludes that we need to escape the Dogmatism and the Essentialism, apply the intersubjective dialogue and esteem to the debates from the multiple Audience theory.

交往性思维方式的确立体现了认识论研究由主客对立转向主体间性。The establishment of the communicative thinking pattern presents the turning of the study of epistemology from the contradiction between the subject and the object to the intersubjective.

生成性教学关注学生主体、焕发生命活力,提升教学智慧、促进教师生成。Generative teaching pays more attention to intersubjective status and individualized development of the students, and lifts teachers' wisdom, and boosts a sapiential teacher coming into being.

它们并不只是语言最初的主体间性的无关紧要的残留,从而可以通过设计一种用于感觉材料的人为的主观语言即可加以去除。These references are not just inessential vestiges of the initially intersubjective character of language, capable of being weeded out by devising an artificially subjective language for sense data.