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国际奥委患啬第一位中国成员是谁?Who is the first Chinese member of IOC?

我是北京奥组委体育部的项目主管李明。很高兴认识您。Nice to meet you too. I'm Tony Smith from the IOC.

那么,也许是国际奥委会有一次选错了规则。Okay, so maybe the IOC picked the wrong rule again.

1896年到1925年,由顾拜旦担任国际奥委会主席。And from 1896 to 1925 Coubertin presided over the IOC.

国际奥委会可是领教过蝎子是如何表现的。For its part, the IOC has learned how scorpions behave.

国际奥委会执行委员会委员迪克·庞德领导了这个进程。IOC Executive Board Member, Dick Pound led the process.

当五环旗升起时,奏奥运圣歌。The Olympic hymn plays when the flag of the IOC is raised.

奥林匹克标志的所有权属国际奥委会专有。All rights to the Olympic symbol belong exclusively to the IOC.

来自希腊的季米特里奥斯当选为国际奥林匹克委员会的第一任主席。Demetrius Vikelas from Greece became the first president of the IOC.

他于1966年当选国际奥委会成员,并在1974年到1978年间担任奥委会的副主席。He became an IOC member in 1966 and was vice president from 1974-78.

罗格说这过去的16个盛日将会被永远铭记在心。The IOC president said the past 16 glorious days will be cherished forever.

国际奥委会对金牌的要求是至少要有6克的金。The IOC minimum requirement for a gold medal is 6g of the pure yellow metal.

他是国际奥委会历史上任期第二长的主席。He retired as the second-longest serving president in the history of the IOC.

最后,预祝国际奥委会第一百二十次全会圆满成功!In conclusion, may this 120th plenary session of IOC enjoy complete success !

国际奥委会主席呼吁运动员要争当典范楷模。The IOC President appealed to the athletes to play their part as role models.

我认为,国际奥委会的这种票选方式是一个不错的范例,这对国际足联来说是个不错的选择。I think it’s not a bad idea the example the IOC gives, it’s a good idea for FIFA.

这位国际奥委会名誉主席于星期三因心脏衰竭而去世,享年89岁。The IOC Honorary President died on Wednesday at the age of 89 from heart failure.

我们为Cairngorm提供了一个可配置在IoC容器中的服务定位器。For Cairngorm, we offer a service locator that can be configured in the IoC container.

国际奥委会执行委员会会议之后将会举行2016申奥候选城市说明会。The IOC Executive Board meeting will be followed by the 2016 Candidates City Briefing.

随后,奥委会主席宣布本届奥运会结束,奥运会火焰随之熄灭。The IOC president then declares the Games ended, and the Olympic Flame is extinguished.