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她可真会刺激他。She really knew how to irritate him.

实际上,差不多所有的药都刺激我。In fact, almost all drugs irritate me.

事实上,这可能会激怒一些人。In fact, this may irritate some people.

十一月的天气使我的旧伤疼痛。The November weather irritate my old wound.

她一感冒,扁桃腺就会发炎。Her tonsil would irritate when getting a cold.

你是否担心此举会激怒朝鲜?Does China worry that it will irritate the DPRK?

它能让我儿子屁股干干的,不会弄疼它的皮肤,也不会皱成一团沉呼呼的。They keep my son dry. They don’t irritate his skin.

刺激咽喉、眼睛和鼻子的致癌物。Carcinogen that can irritate your throat, eyes and nose.

有些时候,正常的分泌物也可能使皮肤发炎。Sometimes a normal vaginal discharge can irritate the skin.

他正在气头上,我知道不该去惹他。I knew not to irritate him when he was in such a black mood.

这可能会刺激您的膀胱,并加剧您的病情。This might irritate your bladder and aggravate your condition.

但是得告知病人樟脑油可能对皮肤有刺激性。Patients should be warned that camphor oil can irritate the skin.

减少饮用咖啡和茶,它们会刺激膀胱。Cut down consumption of coffee and tea, which irritate the bladder.

还有,不要坐在你的钱夹子上,那样会刺激你的坐骨神经。Also, don't sit on your wallet, as that can irritate the sciatic nerve.

是那些真正地激怒一大批潜在客户的事情么?Something that would really irritate a big batch of potential customers?

其他人不可能困扰或激怒你,除非你让他或她这么做。Another person cannot annoy you or irritate you except you permit him or her to.

小女孩知道她的父亲正在气头上,不该去惹他。The little girl knew not to irritate her daddy when he was in such a black mood.

干空气会刺激你的鼻子,但保持空气湿润能够减少鼻充血。Dry air can irritate your sinuses, but keeping air moist can help reduce congestion.

“无泪配方”,纯净温和,绝少刺激宝宝还未发育完全的眼睛和泪腺。Tear-free formula, gentle and pure, not irritate to baby's eyes and lachrymal gland.

克斯特亚本想指出这点,但知道这只会更让她恼火。Kostya considered pointing this out but knew that it would only irritate her further.