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那些锯齿的边缘都是酶。The jagged edges are enzymes.

他的额头上交织着累累疤痕。A jagged scar runs down his forehead.

它被锯齿形的山脊所环绕。Surrounded by a jagged mountain ridge.

一只德肯狐猴从一处锯齿状的石头无底洞窥视。Decken's sifaka peers out from a jagged stone maw.

它既锋利又不顺溜,遍身都是硬朗的线条。It was so sharp and jagged and full of hard lines.

从一处锯齿状的石头缺口处向外窥视。A Decken's sifaka peers out from a jagged stone maw.

他越过一片大海,向弯弯曲曲的海岸线飞去。He was flying over a sea, toward a jagged shoreline.

裂纹翠榄石对应黄色或蓝色插槽。Jagged Deep Peridot Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket.

位于阿拉斯加的雪帘山呈现锯齿状的山脉排列。The jagged University Range in Alaska's snow-draped St.

她眼睛泪汪汪的,声调由于兴奋而变得急促。Her eyes were moist, her voice was jagged with excitement.

海滩上,有一个不规则的正在融化的永久冻土层。On the beach there is a jagged layer of thawing permafrost.

有些残枝挂在尖突的树枝上,看起来像秃鹰。In some, debris is perched in jagged branches like vultures.

她眼睛泪汪汪的,声调由于兴奋而变得急促。Her eyes were moist and her voice was jagged with excitement.

原来是管道水泥壁上突出的一个棘螺栓。A jagged bolt protrudes from the concrete walls of the tunnel.

直到今天,他管理的这片城区上还是堆满了犬牙交错的火山岩石。No trace. " Today his land is a pile of jagged volcanic rocks.

怪石嶙峋的卡西斯悬崖从地中海中拔地而起。The jagged cliffs of Cassis drop down to the Mediterranean Sea.

于是,陡峭的山壁占多数的景观。Jagged mountains and steep cliffs make up most of the landscape.

但中国股市的波动比西方更为剧烈。But China's sawtooth markets are more jagged than those in the west.

我所能辨认出来的,只有一条参差不齐的长线条,其中有一些高的凸起。All I could make out was a long, jagged line with some high plateaus.

那个牢友在底下的小柜拿出了一把锯齿刀。The gang member reaches below a cabinet and pulls out a jagged knife.