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于是二人到了耶利哥。So they came to Jericho.

我们来刺探杰里科城的情报。We want to spy in Jericho.

第六章中有耶利亚哥战役。In chapter 6 we have the Battle of Jericho.

你们过了约旦河,到了耶利哥。Then you crossed the Jordan and came to Jericho.

是耶和华拆毁了耶利哥的城墙。It was Yahweh who broke down the walls of Jericho.

他可以很容易堕入一杰里科和凯德陷阱。He could easily fall prey to a Jericho & Cade trap.

而后以色列人开始向耶利哥城前进。The Israelites then began to move towards the city of Jericho.

约书亚派这两个探子进耶利哥城把喇合和家人带出来。Joshua sent these spies into Jericho to bring out Rahab and family.

杰里科有一个经营良好的卡西欧工厂,加沙有一个新机场。There was a successful casino in Jericho and a new airport in Gaza.

他们说中了,也正如我预料的那样—杰里科城总有一天将会被以色列人攻陷。They sounded pretty convincing. I just know that Jericho will fall.

我心里明白我是不能就这样让他走的,于是我又一次求他带上我,最终他还是妥协了,我们一起去了耶利哥。I pleaded with him to let me go with him. He gave in and we walked to Jericho.

告诉他们说,可以住在耶利哥,等到胡须长起再回来。And the king said, Tarry at Jericho until your beards be grown, and then return.

大多数分析都认为,以色列的耶利哥陆基导弹也可以携带核弹头。Many estimate that Israel's land-based Jericho missiles are also nuclear-capable.

首要的问题是耶利哥的城市就位于迦南的国界内。The first problem was the city of Jericho , which lay just inside Canaan's border.

太令人震惊了—杰里科的城墙都没受到攻击,它就自己震颤起来!It was amazing! The stone walls of Jericho were trembling withouteven being attacked.

俄罗斯首都莫斯科在希腊语中为“城堡”之意,斯拉夫语为“石匠的城寨”。Moscow in ancient Greek for "castle" meaning, Slavic languages as "masons of Jericho.

巴基斯坦安全部队带着假枪在约旦河西岸杰里科的一个基地训练。Palestinian security cadets train with fake guns at a base in the West Bank city of Jericho.

其次是耶利哥人建造。其次是音利的儿子撒刻建造。And next unto him builded the men of Jericho. And next to them builded Zaccur the son of Imri.

耶利哥的城门因以色列人就关得严紧,无人出入。Now Jericho was tightly shut up because of the Israelites. No one went out and no one came in.

现在这些号角将预告和平的来临,而和平将使耶利哥城回到巴勒斯坦人手中。Now the horns would herald the coming of a peace that would return Jericho to the Palestinians.