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喷气机确实在射程以内。The jet was in range.

哥儿俩共用一架波音767飞机。The two share a 767 jet.

“我倒了两天时差”怎么说?I had jet lag for 2 days.

现在喷气机冲向我们!And now the jet came at us!

李连杰加入新加坡籍?Jet Li a Singapore citizen?

喷气式战斗机在空中侦察巡逻。Jet fighters scout the skies.

基本色为深黑色。The ground color is jet black.

一架喷气机从南面飞来。A jet planed in from the south.

我想把我的头发染成亮黑色。I want to dye my hair jet black.

他注意到,她长长的波浪卷发,乌黑油亮。Her long wavy hair was jet black.

那位富翁拥有自己的喷射机。That wealthy man has his own jet.

也许是你昨天倒时差的关系。Maybe it's jet lag from yesterday.

直升机也看上公务机市场。Helicopter also spotted jet market.

今天,是武术传奇,李连杰。Today is martial arts legend Jet Li.

彩色打印只有喷墨的。Wehave only ink jet for color print.

我时差还没调过来。I haven't recovered from jet lag yet.

每个机翼上都有喷气发动机。Each wing includes its own jet engine.

喷射机不停高飞进入远方。The jet soared away into the distance.

我花了一个礼拜才把时差调过来。It took me a week to get over my jet lag.

你敢坐喷气式飞机飞行吗?。Will you venture a flight in a jet plane?