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是约翰斯。It's Johns.

醒来的那个就是约翰斯。That will be Johns woke up.

而那些被一脚踢开的男人们,称自己为“亲爱的约翰们。”The men called them "Dear Johns".

它让我想起了棒约翰那种匹萨。It reminded me of a Papa Johns style pizza.

假设约翰斯和史密斯发生了车祸。So there's an accident with Johns and Smith.

我想和约翰师长或史密斯师长讲话。I'd like to twisk with Mr. Johns or Mr. Smith.

朝向圣约翰角的老红砂岩悬崖。Old Red Sandstone Cliffs toward St Johns Head.

在电话里我听不出约翰的声音。I didnt recognize Johns voice on the telephone.

大春,以后能把秋裤穿秋衣里吗?Da Chun, later can you wear your long johns inside?

您太客气了,约翰逊先生。祝您住得愉快!You are welcome, Mr. Johns . Enjoy your stay with us!

别碰那本书!那可是约翰的宝贝。Dont lay your hands on that book. Thats Johns precious.

斯坦福夫妇还拜访了康乃尔大学,麻省理工学院和约翰霍普金斯大学。The Stanfords also visited Cornell, MIT, and Johns Hopkins.

约翰霍浦金斯医院最近在其新闻发怖布稿中透露了上述讯息。Johns Hopkins has recently sent this out in its Newsletters.

不,事实是,约翰斯接受了肉体移植。No, what's happened is that Johns has gotten a body transplant.

约翰霍普金斯大学的多数病患都超过五岁。Most Johns Hopkins hemispherectomy patients are older than five years.

要羞辱的是嫖客,还有那些有权和钱来剥削她们的老鸨。Blame the pimps and johns who have the power and money to exploit them.

琼斯先生,我们寇斯父子公司可以帮助您做些什么吗?Is there anything Coles and Son can do to make your life easier, Mr Johns?

我不喜欢穿棉毛内衣裤,因为到了一个比较暖和之处往后会有点出汗。I don't like wearing long johns coz if I go into a warm place I sweat a little.

摄影师约翰·克丽丝将这个我们小小逗留了的公园称为“塞伦盖蒂平原的对手”。Photographer Chris Johns calls the little-visited park a 'rival of the Serengeti.

后来,一名护士建议他去打听打听约翰斯·霍普金斯大学的“脱敏”研究。Then a nurse suggested that he ask Johns Hopkins about its desensitization study.