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我想出去,庄士敦先生!I want to go out , Mr, Johnston !

税务庄街道办事处驻河联北街。The tax office in Johnston Street North River Alliance.

其中一支南方军队驻扎在北卡罗莱纳州,由乔.约翰斯顿将军率领。One army was in North Carolina, commanded by General Joe Johnston.

请听列维·约翰斯顿与埃德·皮尔金顿的交谈。Listen to Levi Johnston talking to Ed Pilkington Link to this audio

Johnston希望科学家也有类似的开放头脑的方式。Johnston wants for a similarly open-minded approach from scientists.

约翰斯顿说,他认识到,走法律的道路会很困难。Johnston said he recognised that taking the legal road would be hard.

到约翰斯顿的诡计被揭穿时,约翰斯顿和他的主力已经到达马纳萨斯。By the time the trick was discovered, Johnston and most of his troops were at Manassas.

主要负责设计费特的人是概念艺术家拉尔夫·麦夸里和乔·约翰斯顿。Concept artists Ralph McQuarrie and Joe Johnston were most responsible for Fett's design.

图为他在渥太华的官邸穿着海盗服跟上门要糖的捣蛋鬼打招呼。At his official residence in Ottawa, Johnston greeted trick-or-treaters dressed as a pirate.

看样子加拿大总督约翰斯顿去年万圣节也好好玩了一把。Canada’s Governor General David Johnston certainly joined in the festivities last Halloween.

巴解组织释放了被囚禁四个月的BBC记者艾伦?约翰斯顿。BBC reporter Alan Johnston was released after four months as a prisoner of a Palestine group.

约翰斯顿利用了宝石戏剧性的色彩,在她的工作在各种媒体上以粗黑线。Johnston makes dramatic use of jewel-like colors and bold lines in her work in various media.

安德森和约翰斯顿说,他们预期在四、五个月内可以实现前期使用。Anderson and Johnston say they expect an initial offering to be made available in four or five months.

对抗他的85岁高龄的同时也对抗着地心引力,卡罗·约翰斯顿在加州的核桃市练习撑杆跳。Defying his 85 years as well as gravity, Carol Johnston practices pole vaulting in Walnut, California.

约翰斯顿知道,他难以抵御帕特森,所以,他决定用计骗帕特森。But they did want to prevent him from reaching Beauregard. Johnston knew he could not defeat Patterson.

庄斯顿的成功在于角色的塑造,同时也是惊奇团队成功的关键。Mr Johnston has been helped by the focus on character development that was the key to Marvel's success.

州长毕竟已经违抗过戴维斯总统的调令,如今为什么要对约翰斯顿将军让步呢?After all, the Governor had defied Jeff Davis' demand for them. Why should he accede to General Johnston?

Johnston相信发展中国家可以在发现他们的能力建设需求方面扮演一个角色。Johnston believes that developing countries can play a part in identifying their capacity-building needs.

经乔•约翰斯敦进一步设计,他们形似直立的野猪,长着猪鼻和獠牙。Joe Johnston began to develop designs that were resembled upright wild boars complete with snouts and tusks.

南加州大学安诺堡新闻系硕士学生郑永佳讲述一位70岁高龄好莱坞特技演员的故事。USC Annenberg student Sunny Johnston reports on the story of a 70-year old Hollywood stunt actor, Bob Yerkes.