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他喜欢喝果味酒。He likes juicy drinks.

那块牛排鲜嫩多汁。The steaks were tender and juicy.

我最喜欢的水果是水蜜桃。My favourite fruit is juicy peach.

大的生动有趣的按钮引发人们购买。Big juicy buttons inspire people to buy.

消息会不胫而走,特别是八卦新闻。News travels fast, especially juicy news.

法官对这类多汁生果怀有结果见。the judge has prejudice to the juicy fruit.

一条绘声绘色的小道消息正在传来传去。A piece of juicy gossip is going the rounds.

这片多汁香嫩的牛排真是来得正是时候。This tender, juicy steak really hits the ot.

我喜欢吃梨。桃和其他一些多汁的水果。I like pears, peaches and other juicy fruits.

粉蒸排骨滑嫩多汁的秘诀!Secret to tender and juicy steamed pork ribs!

这片多汁香嫩的牛排真是来得正是时候。This tender, juicy steak really hits the spot.

很甜美多汁,果肉公司与数种子。Very sweet and juicy , firm flesh with few seeds.

内瓤为青绿色,口感清脆爽口,外皮连同西瓜籽都可食用。It has a fresh crisp taste and juicy light green flesh.

多汁,果肉公司具有丰富的甜爽口,种子数。Juicy , firm flesh with a sweet rich flavor, few seeds.

甜的,果味鸡尾酒,适合漫长的夏季夜晚。Sweet, juicy Cocktail. Perfect for a long summer night.

小心地滑“变成”小心多汁的表面“!Slippery When Wet! was Be Mindful of the Juicy Surfaces!

这些酸酸的,饱满的,多汁的樱桃十分可口。These tart, plump, and juicy cherries burst with flavor.

口感饱满,柔滑而果味浓郁的单宁。The palate is full-flavored, with soft and juicy tannins.

低洼地和湿地提供鲜嫩而且多汁的植物。Lowlands and wetlands provide tender and juicy vegetation.

给我多汁的秋日果实,红熟于果园。Give me juicy autumnal fruit ripe and red from the orchard.