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不到一年后,军政府即告倒台。The junta fell less than a year later.

即使全民盟也受到了军政府的严重削弱。Even NLD efforts were severely curtailed by the junta.

如果没有苏姬,没有人会相信军政府。Without Suu Kyi, nobody is going to believe the junta.

克钦独立组织应否开战反击军政府邪恶民主?Is KIO for democratic war against evil democracy of junta?

军政府将不留余地务必努力赢得选举。The junta will leave no stones unturned to win the elections.

再一次,作为回应,私党估计又将对她发出逮捕令。In response, once again, expect the junta to order her re-arrest.

政变上台后的军人政府决心镇压政治上的一切反对派。The military junta is determined to put down all political opposition.

孩提时,王君燕从未梦想过成为一名著名的电视人。As a child, Wang junta never dreamed of becoming a famous TV personality.

缅甸军政府在2009年6月命令新孟邦党整编成边防警卫部队。The Burmese junta ordered the NMSP to form a border guard force in June 2009.

但"虎妞"的成功之路也说明了艺术发展在军政府统治下所受的局限。But their success also points to the limitations of art under a military junta.

军政府威胁要使用武力,新孟邦党不再信任将军们。The junta has threatened to use force, and the NMSP no longer trusts the generals.

民主克伦佛教军1994年从克伦民族联盟分裂,随后与军政府签署了一项停火协议。The DKBA split from the KNU in 1994 and signed a ceasefire agreement with the junta.

这给缅甸军政权带来了内心的恐惧。And in so doing, they have put fear into the hearts of the leaders of the Burmese junta.

在过去一个月里,军政府已加强安全和增强军队。During the past month, the junta has tighten security in the town and reenforced troops.

在泰国,新的军人政权对广播机构发布了全面的审查令。In Thailand, the new military junta issued broad censorship orders for broadcast outlets.

严厉的审查法律有效地使反对军人干政的报纸封口。The newspapers that opposed the junta were effectively muzzled by strict censorship laws.

联邦巩固发展党有军政府和民族团结党支持已经历过许多年。The USDP has the support of the junta and the National Unity Party has endured many years.

因此,军政府威胁说,缅军将派出二野战旅前往该地区。Thus, the junta has threatened that the Burmese Army will dispatch two brigades to the area.

与豪尔赫·魏地拉和奥兰多·阿戈斯蒂一道,马塞拉成立了统治阿根廷的军政府。Together with Jorge Videla and Orlando Agosti, Massera formed the junta that ruled Argentina.

同军政府首脑丹瑞大将类似,王家瑞过去在邮政部门工作过。Like junta head Snr-Gen Than Shwe, Wang Jairui worked in the postal department during the past.