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相比于给经济放血,它看起来更热衷于给它输血。It seems keener on blood transfusions than on bloodletting.

但某些细微的接触,需要你擦亮眼睛认真观察。But there is subtle contact that you may need an even keener eye to catch.

基纳说,在理想环境下,沙门氏菌每20分钟复制。"Salmonella doubles every 20 minutes under ideal conditions," Keener said.

这也可以解释为什么英国比澳大利亚对火葬的要求更加严格。That may also explain why the British are keener than Australians on cremations.

与通常认为的相比,保守党更渴望改革政府的工作方式。The party is keener on reforming how government works than is often appreciated.

事实上,在日益增长的战略困境中,陆先生似乎拥有比霍华德先生更为敏锐地感觉。Indeed Mr Rudd appears to have a keener sense than Mr Howard of a growing strategic dilemma.

比起活泼的人,懒惰的人对形而上学的现实有着无限的热衷。The lazy man has an infinitely keener perception of metaphysical reality than the active one.

我国已经世界贸易组织,经济全球化一体化将欲演欲烈,竞争将更为激烈与残酷。China' s WTO entry and the global economic integration will lead to keener and crueler competition.

他比麦凯恩更希望与伊朗对话--在特定条件下,这样更合情理。He is keener to talk to Iran than Mr McCain is- but that makes sense, providing certain conditions are met.

这是一个九月中旬的清晨,惬意愉悦,温和宜人,可空中的气息比夏日更为急切。It was a pleasant morning, mid-September, mild, benignant, yet with a keener breath than of the summer months.

马车不久上了土坡,随着地势的增高,风也随着路面和土壤的变化而变得更加寒冷了。Soon the equipage began to ascend to higher ground, and the wind grew keener with the change of level and soil.

投资者将以百倍的兴致关注对审计人的选派以及他们的报酬是否充足。Investors would take a much keener interest in the appointment of auditors and the adequacy of their remuneration.

这是一个九月中旬快乐的清晨,气候温和宜人,有着夏季所没有的恬静气息。It was a pleasant morning, mid-September, mild, benignant , yet with a keener breath than that of the summer months.

时值九月中旬,一上午清风送爽,使人心旷神怡,只是风吹起来较夏日疾劲罢了。It was a pleasant morning, mid–September, mild, benignant , yet with a keener breath than that of the summer months.

达西先生恬不知耻地夸口说,叫人家受罪是他的拿手好戏,这使她愈发深刻地体会到姐姐的痛苦。Mr. Darcy's shameful boast of what misery he had been able to inflict gave her a keener sense of her sister's sufferings.

有趣的是,女人比男人更敏感于体味,所以男人有时没注意到他们的味道对于女人来讲有多么糟糕。Interestingly, women have a keener sense of smell than men, so men are sometimes oblivious to how bad they smell to women.

达西先生恬不知耻地夸口说,叫人家受罪是他的拿手好戏,这使她愈发深刻地体会到姐姐的痛苦。Mr. Darcy's shameful boast of what misery he had been able to inflict gave her a keener sense of her sister's sufferings.

消费者比从前更喜欢天然原料而非由石油制成的尼龙、人造纤维等材料。Consumers are keener than ever to use natural products instead of materials like nylon and rayon which are made from petroleum.

基纳说,在理想环境下,沙门氏菌每20分钟复制。"Salmonella doubles every 20 minutes under ideal conditions, " Keener said. "When sitting there for an hour, two could become 32.

他们能更低成本的筹集款项,尤其是在金融市场,因而能提供更低的贷款利率。They can raise money more cheaply than smaller banks, notably in the financial markets, and can therefore offer keener lending rates.