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雌激素量越多,角化程度也愈高。Of the more estrogen, the higher the degree keratosis.

屁股上起的或白或红的小肿块最有可能是毛发角化病。Small white or red bumps on the buttocks are most likely keratosis pilaris.

本病需与扁平苔藓和扁平苔藓样角化病等鉴别。KLC has to be differentiated with lichen planus and lichen planus-like keratosis.

光化性角化病病程发展缓慢,按年计算,常常在老年人身上初次发现。An actinic keratosis takes years to develop, usually first appearing in older adults.

目的探讨治疗老年人面部脂溢性角化症的适当方法。Objective To investigate the effective method for the treatment of Seborrheic keratosis.

目的观察微波治疗脂溢性角化病的疗效,为临床治疗提供依据。Objective To observe the clinical efficacy of microwave in treatment of seborrheic keratosis.

脂溢性角化病是一种常见病,但临床上易与多种疾病相混淆。Keratosis seborrhoeica is very common lesion and easy to be confused with some other diseases.

许多医生认为光化性角化病是一种癌前病变,因为它能够发展为皮肤癌。Many doctors consider an actinic keratosis to be precancerous because it can develop into skin cancer.

紫外线辐射强烈,容易使皮肤角化失去弹性,造成早衰。Strong ultraviolet radiation, easy to make skin flexible Keratosis lost, resulting in premature aging.

临床上以脚垫角化、鼻部角化的病例引起神经性症状的多发。Keratosis clinically with mats, nasal hyperkeratosis of cases caused by multiple neurological symptoms.

双侧眉毛、腋毛和阴毛大部分缺失,局部可见散在毛囊角化性丘疹。Most of the eyebrows, pubic and armpit hairs were absent, keratosis papules could be seen on some sites.

目的了解电子皮肤镜在诊断脂溢性角化病中的价值。Objective To evaluate the value provided by dermatoscopic examinations for diagnosis of seborrheic keratosis.

结论应用局部皮瓣修复创面是治疗脂溢性角化症的理想方法。Conclusions The excision of Seborrheic keratosis followed with local Flap Transplantation is an ideal operative method.

目的介绍肢端皮肤角化过度增生症10例的治疗体会,其中掌跖角化病9例,疣状表皮结构不良1例。Objective We introduce the experience of treating 10 cases with excessive hyperplasia of skin keratosis at the limb end.

结合临床和组织病理表现,符合棘状秃发性毛囊炎的诊断。The diagnosis of keratosis follicularis spinulosa decalvans was made according to the clinical and histopathologic manifestations.

依据临床和组织病理学改变,确诊为脂溢性角化病并发基底细胞上皮瘤。The patient was diagnosed seborrheic keratosis complicated by basal cell epithelioma based on clinical data and histological examination.

雄激素可直接抚慰皮脂腺增加,促进毛囊的白头粉刺角化,梗塞毛孔惹起炎症,形成粉刺,面疱的发生。Sebaceous gland androgen can directly increase comfort and promote acne keratosis bald hair follicles, pores breeds infarct inflammation, the formation of acne, pimples from occurring.

我的好朋友她得了皮肤毛周角化病,从小就有的,她的姑姑也有这病但不严重,现在希望大家能给个治疗的好方法,谢谢了。She got my good friend keratosis of skin hair week, as a child with respect to some, her aunt also has this disease but not serious, hope everybody can give the good method of a cure now, thanked.