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粉刷一新的基辅地铁车厢81-714。Freshly painted 81-714 car for Kiev subway.

乌克兰将在周四对战苏格兰队。Ukraine play Scotland in Kiev on Wednesday.

基辅规模最大的未完工的建筑之一。One of the biggest unfinished buildings in Kiev.

博物馆建造于1976年,坐落在首都基辅的郊外。The museum was located in the suburbs of Kiev in 1976.

苏联欧洲部分中南部城市,位于基辅以东。A city of south-central European U. S. S. R. east of Kiev.

同时,反对解散令的人们在基辅迅速的安营扎寨。Meanwhile, anti-dissolution tent camps have sprung up in Kiev.

普京早就道明,基辅不能鱼与熊掌兼得。Putin has already indicated that Kiev can’t pursue both goals.

于是她就回到她的家乡基辅南面的村庄,巴格尔诺亚。She returned to her native Mogilnoye, a village south of Kiev.

苏联欧洲部分西南部一城市,位于基辅东南偏南。A city of southwest European U. S. S. R. south-southeast of Kiev.

1937年1月,波斯蒂谢夫被免去基辅党委书记一职。Postyshev was removed as Kiev party secretary in January of 1937.

萨巴莱塔已经错过了面对雷丁,基辅迪纳摩和切尔西的比赛。Zabaleta has missed games against Reading, Dynamo Kiev and Chelsea.

苏联欧洲部分中西部城市,位于基辅东北偏北。A city of west-central European U. S. S. R. north-northeast of Kiev.

基辅的居民并不知道他们正住在“炸药桶”上。The residents of Kiev didn’t even know they lived on a “powder keg”.

而在接下来的冬天这名球员就被转给了基辅迪那摩。And in the following winter this player was offloaded to Dynamo Kiev.

斯皮尔伯格是一个深谷基辅郊外的是乌克兰首都。Babi Yar is a ravine just outside Kiev which is the capital of Ukraine.

我和妻儿们费了九牛二虎之力在“基辅旅馆”找到一个房间。With my wife and children I found with great difficulty a room in the Kiev Hostelry.

苏联雕刻家在狄纳莫体育馆前为他们立了一座纪念碑。Russian sculptor built a monument in front of Dynamo Stadium in Kiev to memorize them.

乌克兰联赛冠军基辅迪那摩希望租借安德烈舍甫琴柯。Ukrainian champions Dynamo Kiev are eager to strike a loan deal for Andrei Shevchenko.

从北京到基辅的飞机商务舱很好,我能舒服地睡一觉。The business class from beijing to kiev is nice. Was able to streach my leg and sleep well.

上周日,数百名支持者在首都基普街头游行,抗议前总理季莫申科的逮捕。Hundreds of Tymoshenko's supporters Sunday took to the streets to protest her arrest in Kiev.