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傍晚回返亚庇市酒店休息。Evening return to Kota Kinabalu hotel.

我们每个人都希望都能够为亚庇市感到自豪。We all wish to be proud of Kota Kinabalu City.

来回神山公园总部至登山闸口之接送。Roundtrip transfer between Kinabalu Park HQ & Gate.

来回机场至神山公园总部之接送。Roundtrip transfer between airport & Kinabalu Park HQ.

基纳巴卢山是东南亚最高的山。Mount Kinabalu is the highest mountain in Southeast Asia.

这里是香格里拉圣洁的母海神山,东方女儿国的一湾净土。Here is the mother sea and the holy mountain of Kinabalu Shangri-La.

港龙航空公司来回香港至沙巴经济客位机票。Roundtrip Economy class air ticket for Hong Kong and Kota Kinabalu on KA.

马来西亚航空公司来回香港至沙巴经济客位机票。Roundtrip Economy class air ticket for Hong Kong and Kota Kinabalu on MH.

香港快运航空公司来回香港至沙巴经济客位机票。Roundtrip Economy class air ticket for Hong Kong and Kota Kinabalu on UO.

港龙航空公司来回香港至沙巴商务客位机票。Roundtrip Business class air ticket for Hong Kong and Kota Kinabalu on KA.

港龍航空公司來回香港至哥打京那巴魯经济客位机票乙张。Roundtrip economy class air ticket between Hong Kong & Kota Kinabalu on DRAGONAIR.

因此越来越多的青年人要加入沙行动党青年团。Therefore more and more young people wanted to join Sabah DAP Kota Kinabalu Youth.

马来西亚航空公司来回香港至哥打京那巴鲁经济客位机票乙张。Roundtrip economy class air ticket between Hong Kong & Kota Kinabalu on Malaysia Airlines.

目前大约有七部的流动发电机在亚庇的场地。Some 7 pieces of big and small mobile gen-sets were seen in the Kota Kinabalu storage yard.

早餐于酒店。退房后接送往机场飞返家园。Breakfast at Hotel. Free at leisure. Transfer to Kota Kinabalu airport for flight departure.

除了神山全日游,想要更深入的旅程,你可以选择两天一夜,在神山公园夜宿一晚。A similar, more in depth tour can also be done as a two day trip, staying overnight at Kinabalu Park.

这里是香格里拉圣洁的母海神山,东方女儿国的一湾净土。“目光所及皆图画,步履所至尽仙源。”在。Here is the mother sea and the holy mountain of Kinabalu Shangri-La. Also, it is the Pure Land of the East.

沙电力公司运来更多的二手移动发电机已抵达亚庇准备运往山打根和斗湖区。There is more 2nd hand mobile gen-sets had arrived in Kota Kinabalu ready for delivery to Sandakan and Tawau.

他还提到,离开亚庇不远的郊区,仍然有许多村庄仍然没有自来水的供应。He also said that the many villages just outside Kota Kinabalu City are still having no pipe water supplied to them.

抵达哥打京那巴鲁国际飞机场,本社专车和导游将会迎接您。晚餐。Upon arrival at Kota Kinabalu International Airport, our vehicles & friendly local guides will be there to fetch you. Dinner.