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柏林动物园北极熊努特与蔬菜叶。Knut & a Vegetable leaf, Berlin Zoo.

从出生开始,克努特就被悲剧围绕。From birth, Knut was surrounded by tragedy.

然后他走路转圈直到落水。Knut then walked in circles until he fell into the water.

而克努特却坚持活了下来,让动物园的医师们大为惊讶。But Knut amazed medical staff at the zoo by clinging to life.

克努特周六上午死在柏林动物园他的饲养场里。Knut died in his enclosure at the Berlin Zoo Saturday morning.

媒体对于克纳特的关注也会让小傢夥疲惫不堪。瞧,它对著镜头打起了呵欠。All this media attention can tire a fellow out. Knut gives a big yawn.

克努特只有大约四岁,按北极熊的标准是个年轻人。Knut was only about four years old, a young adult by polar bear standards.

世界各地的动物爱好者为他们失去了深爱的北极熊克努特而悲痛。Animals lovers around the world mourn the loss of beloved polar bear, Knut.

他是33年内首只在柏林动物园出生并长大的北极熊。Knut was the first polar bear to be born and raised at the Berlin Zoo in 33 years.

但克努特和乔万之间没有发生浪漫的事,雌熊是从慕尼黑动物园借来的。But there is no romance between Knut and Giovanna who is on loan from a Munich zoo.

德国柏林动物园的北极熊努特正在室外洗澡。Polar bear Knut takes a bath in his outdoor enclosure at the zoo in Berlin, Germany.

我们还不知道西可和纳特上面是否也有这种编号,但很可能也是有的。It is unknown whether the Sickle or Knut also have these numbers, but it seems likely.

在新近公布的这张照片�,柏林动物园饲养员托马斯·多非恩正抱著这只北极熊幼崽克纳特。Berlin zoo employee Thomas Doerflein holds polar bear cub Knut in this newly-released picture.

这张上周一摄于德国柏林动物园,是放置在克努特圈地上被鲜花围绕的克努特画像。A drawing of Knut is placed amidst flowers at the bear enclosure at the Berlin Zoo in Germany last Monday.

“克努特”已不再是当年那只爱玩足球的可爱的小泰迪熊,而变成了245磅重的食肉机器。Knut was no longer the cuddly little teddy bear romping with a soccer ball, but a 245-pound eating machine.

专家们早先曾警告说,克努特正向着一个太过依赖人类的“精神病患者”发展。Experts had earlier warned that the Knut was developing into a 'psychopath' who was too dependent on human contact.

克努特在出生之后被母亲弃养,管理员托马斯•德约克里夫一手将他抚养长大。Knut shot to fame after his mother rejected him at birth and he had to be hand-reared by zookeeper Thomas Dörflein.

当年三岁的北极熊克努特,去年一月八日在德国的柏林动物园内的雪地上小歇。Then three-year-old polar bear Knut rests in the snow in his enclosure at the Berlin Zoo in Germany on Jan. 8 last year.

据一家德国报纸报道,努特很快就要结束单身生活了,慕尼黑的北极熊季亚娜会来给他做伴。According to a German newspaper, Knut will soon cease to be alone, as polar bear Gianna from Munich is to be his partner.

德国柏林动物园员工汤马士.多俄福林和小北极熊克纳特玩耍。Berlin zoo employee Thomas Doerflein plays with polar bear cub Knut in this undated picture, released on January 24, 2007.