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热爱劳动吧。Labor of love.

何时是劳工节?。When is Labor Day?

劳动征服一切。Labor vanquishes all.

奴隶劳动的丑闻。Slave labor scandals.

努力可以征服一切。Labor conquers all things.

她的叔叔是一名劳动模范。Her uncle is a labor paragon.

舞蹈起源于劳动。Dancing originates from labor.

那天晚上,我进入了分娩状态。That night, I went into labor.

劳动者是谁,劳动是什么Who's a worker? What is labor?

人们缩减劳动执行要求they undercut labor practices,

生手易于学会,效率约为3-6人工作能量。About 3-6 times of labor power.

闲逸是劳动的报酬。Leisure is the reward of labor.

医生希望做诱产。My doctor wants to induce labor.

休息是劳力的甜酱。Rest is the sweet sauce of labor.

对外劳务合作。Foreign labor service cooperation.

她妈妈死于操劳过度。Her mother died of diffcult labor.

我已把自己劳动奉献给艰苦的工作。I have had my labor for my travail.

现在,我知道,劳动手段。Now, I understand what labor means.

你怎么看待童工现象?What do you think about child labor?

工会使得劳动关系官僚化了。Unions bureaucratize labor relations.