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幼虫和蜱蛹可能会渗透粗织袜子。Larval and nymphal ticks may penetrate a coarse weave sock.

大约有99%的鱼类死亡都发生在幼鱼阶段。Some 99 percent of all fish mortality occurs in the larval stage.

轮虫是海产鱼类苗种的适宜开口饵料和优质食物。Rotifers are adequate first feeds of larval rearing of marine fish.

本文报道了菊黄东方鲀胚胎及仔稚幼鱼发育情况。This paper reported the embryonic and larval development of Fugu flavidus.

蜱虫幼虫与若虫的口器很少会留在宿主皮肤里。The mouthparts of larval and nymphal ticks will seldom be left in the skin.

研究了铜、锌、镉三种重金属对鲤鱼幼鱼的毒性作用,以及铜和锌在鲤鱼幼鱼中的积累。The toxicity of copper, zinc and cadmium to the larval carps was determined.

大链壶菌对三属蚊幼虫的比较灭蚊实验。Comparative Experiments of Larval Susceptibility of Three Mosquito Species to.

增殖的芽孢同样对致倦库蚊幼虫有较高毒力。The spores yielded in larval cadavers were highly toxic to the mosquito larvae.

反光的是即将孵化成幼虾的眼睛。That reflectiveness is the individual eyes of the larval shrimp within the eggs.

结果表明该病毒只在菜青虫中肠细胞质内增殖。The results showed that PrNV replicated only in the cytoplasm of larval midgut cells.

在他们的休眠期或幼虫期内有某些器官的。A small capsulelike sac that encloses certain organisms in their dormant or larval stage.

大多数海洋腹足纲软体动物在某些幼体阶段形成一种有纤毛的游泳器官。Most marine gastropod mollusks develop a ciliate swimming organ in certain larval stages.

每周对6个独立山谷内的幼虫和成虫媒介数量进行了监测。Larval and adult vector populations were surveyed weekly in six separate valley communities.

雷蚴靠进食蜗牛的组织存活,并通过无性繁殖自身来渡过其幼虫阶段。The redia feeds on snail tissue and buds off other larval stages through asexual reproduction.

包虫病是一种流行于全世界范围的动物源性寄生虫病,主要是由棘虫绦虫幼虫期所引发。Hydatid disease is a worldwide zoonosis produced by the larval stage of the Echinococcus tapeworm.

高龄幼虫,观察了在不同饲料条件下不同密度对黄粉虫幼虫死亡率、幼虫增重、蛹重等指标的影响。The effects of larval density on larval survival, mass, and pupal mass were studied in this paper.

把蚊子的成虫或及幼虫蛹杀灭,可防止蚊子滋生。Mosquito breeding can be forestalled by killing the insect at its adult or and larval pupal stages.

本文研究来源于棉铃虫幼虫粪便的产卵忌避信息素,主要结果如下。Here we investigate oviposition-deterring pheromone originated from larval frass of cotton bollworm.

本文探讨了顺天胶囊对幼鼠性机能的影响和抗疲劳等作用。The effects of SHUNTIAN Capsule on sexual function and anti-fatigue in larval mice has been studied.

严重感染的宿主,生殖腺完全被侵佔并耗尽。In heavy infestations, the gonad was completely destroyed and replaced by mass of larval treamatodes.