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七岁受沙弥戒,法号称洛桑扎华。Seven years, the so-called law by shramanera precepts plunge in lausanne.

另外,我们还会近距离接触洛桑山城的奥林匹克博物馆。And we will also take a closer look at the Olympic Museum in the hilly city of Lausanne.

我们还将参观下坐落于洛桑这座山城的奥林匹克博物馆。And we will also take a closer look at the Olympic Museum in the hilly city of Lausanne.

他表示,洛桑或其他地方开发的类似系统可能会在十年内投入使用。He says systems like those being developed in Lausanne and other places may be available in less than ten years.

国际现代五项联盟主席劳斯舒尔曼曾考虑过从德国奔波到洛桑来见证这项决定的做出,但是还是决定避而静观。UIPM President Klaus Schormann had considered traveling from Germany to Lausanne for the decision, but decided to stay away.

卢西亚尼拥有瑞士洛桑酒店管理学院的酒店管理学位和国际贸易学位。Luciani holds a degree in hotel management from The Lausanne Hotel School in Switzerland as well as a degree in international trade.

传说坎普拉德还在洛桑本地市场快关门时去和摊贩讨价还价。Legend has it that Kamprad waits until closing time at his local market in Lausanne in order to drive hard bargains with stallholders.

一年后,即1932年,洛桑会议召开。会议决议试图将德国几乎所有的战争债务一笔勾销,但该决议未能通过美国国会。A year later, the 1932 Lausanne conference tried to write off almost all of Germany's war debt, but the proposal failed to pass US Congress.

他十分精力充沛,负责在瑞士沃州建立新的奥委会总部,同时在洛桑为奥林匹克博物馆举行了开幕式。A hugely energetic man, he was responsible for the new IOC headquarters building in Vidy and for inaugurating The Olympic Museum in Lausanne.

客人可以享受洛桑迷人的景点,包括日内瓦湖,洛桑大教堂,以及更多的在他们的时间在城市。Guests can enjoy the charming sights of Lausanne, including Lake Geneva, the Lausanne Cathedral, and much more during their time in the city.

汉思乐先生毕业于洛桑酒店管理学院,于1994年加入凯宾斯基集团,迄今已12年。An école Hôteliere de Lausanne graduate, Henssler joined Kempinski 12 years ago, while his very first experience with the group dates from 1994.

舒尔茨先生说,这从本质上又回到了1932年洛桑会议时的那种情况,并且减掉的那部分债务再次生效了。Mr Schulz says it was, essentially, a return to the conditions in the 1932 Lausanne agreement, and a reduced amount of payments was reactivated.

米兰教授是研究组组长。他表示正在洛桑等地开发的类似系统可能会在十年内投入市场。Professor Millan is the team leader. He says systems like those being developed in Lausanne and other places may be available in less than 10 years.

文澜教授是这个团队的领导者。他表示,洛桑或其他地方开发的类似系统可能会在十年内投入使用。Professor Millan is the team leader. He says systems like those being developed in Lausanne and other places may be available in less than ten years.

国际奥林匹克委员会,设在瑞士劳申那,负责作出奥林匹克运动的所有重要决定。The International Olympic Committee, whose home is in Lausanne in Switzerland, is responsible for all the important decisions of the Olympic Movement.

虽然有些人把这种特征和高超的功能联系起来,但洛桑研究小组仍然把他们的理论限定在解释自闭症的无能力和缺陷。While some have linked this trait to superior functioning, the Lausanne team still framed their theory as explaining autism's disabilities and deficits.

男子110米栏世界纪录保持者、奥运会冠军古巴名将罗伯斯,2日在瑞士洛桑国际田联超级大奖赛中意外地败给美国选手奥利弗,屈居亚军。Cuba's Olympic champion and world record holder Dayron Robles suffered a surprising defeat in the men's 110 hurdles at the Lausanne Grand Prix on Tuesday.

遵照顾拜旦的遗愿,他的遗体被埋葬在洛桑,而他的心脏则单独埋在了古代奥林匹亚遗址附近的一座墓穴里。In accordance with Coubertin's last wish he was buried in Lausanne although his heart was buried separately in a monument near the ruins of ancient Olympia.

洛桑是瑞士法语区城市,位于日内瓦湖北岸,与法国城市埃维昂莱班隔湖相望,北面是侏罗纪山脉。Lausanne is a city in Romandy, the French-speaking part of Switzerland, situated on the shores of Lake Genève and with the Jura mountains to its north-west.

日内瓦大学、瑞士洛桑联邦科技学院以及希腊约阿尼纳大学将以分析中心的形式参加合作。The University of Geneva, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne and the University of Ioannina in Greece will partner as analytical centers.