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它是在全面总结确权立法经验教训的基础上形成的。It is based on sum up experience of lawmaking.

国会在英国是立法机构。Paliament is the lawmaking group in Great Britain.

国会是波黑的立法主体。The Parliamentary Assembly is the lawmaking body in BH.

国会在英国是立法团体。PARLIAMENT】Parliament is the lawmaking group in Great Britain.

立法权在两个议院之间分配。The lawmaking power was divided between two legislative houses.

第三章研究刑罚易科制度的立法模式。In chapter 3, study the lawmaking mode of the exchanged penalty system.

上世纪90年代尤其是一个前所未有的制定法律和确立准则的时期。The 1990s, in particular, were a time of unprecedented lawmaking and norm-setting.

网络立法是网络个体实现慎独的外在保障。Network lawmaking is the external guarantee for network individuals to realize Shendu.

完善税收立法,实现依法治税的途径探讨。Fourth, seeking after the approach to perfect tax lawmaking and realize the rule of law.

除立法与司法之外,非法律预防机制也是预防权利发生冲突的良策。Besides lawmaking and justice, non-legal prevent system is a good plan for right conflict.

澄清对这一问题的错误认识,将有助于我国在这方面的正确立法。It is helpful for our country's lawmaking correctly to clarify the misunderstanding on the matter.

从实施状况来看,唐代关于婚龄的立法规定,在社会生活中得到了较好的实现。From the practice of law, the marriageable age lawmaking of the Tang Dynasty was well put into use.

因之,首倡应由立法时代过渡到严肃执法时代。So we urge that the lawmaking era should be transmitted to a new era of serious enforcement of law.

行政强制执行权方面的统一立法已成为现实的需要。The administration compulsory execution power unifies the lawmaking has become the realistic demand.

此举也不足为怪,因为早在1987年,印第安纳州立法机构就曾试图重新规定π的值,此次只不过是延续了“光荣传统”而已。It's in the grand lawmaking tradition of the Indiana state legislature's 1897 attempt to redefine the value of pi.

这是自1897年印第安纳州立法机关尝试重定义pi值之后又一重大立法传统。It’s in the grand lawmaking tradition of the Indiana state legislature’s 1897 attempt to redefine the value of pi.

介绍了英美法系国家的相关规定,提出完善我国惩罚性赔偿数额的几点立法建议。Then it introduces the punitive damages of Anglo-American Legal System, and puts forward some lawmaking suggestion.

并提出若干有新意的认识,对现实司法实践和未来立法更新提供一定参考。Is also puts forward some new ideas which could be of some value in curent judicatory practice and lawmaking renewal.

它的主要作用是用议员的丰富经验帮助立法。The main function of the House of Lords is to bring the wide experience of its members into the process of lawmaking.

主要是加快立法工作,做好行业自律,加强网络监管。Now primarily stepping up the lawmaking work, doing well the profession self-discipline, enhancing the network custody.