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草坪椅?Lawn chair?

割草机。The lawn mower.

这是草地滚球。It is lawn bowling.

草地适于打球。The lawn plays well.

这草坪的草该割了。The lawn needs mowing.

他推着割草机。He moved the lawn mower.

我们需要给草坪剪草了。We need to mow the lawn.

我们要把草坪贴地修齐。We'll cut the lawn close.

在猕猴桃上除草。Mowing the lawn on a kiwi.

乔和我坐在草地的椅子上。Joe and I sat on lawn chairs.

一匹马站在草地上。A horse is standing in a lawn.

他忙于在草坪上干活。He busied himself in the lawn.

草坪上长满了杂草。The lawn was grown with weeds.

草地上撒满了秋叶。Autumn leaves strewed the lawn.

他雇人割草。He hired a man to mow the lawn.

我们每天给草坪洒水。We sprinkle the lawn every day.

草坪上爬满了蚂蚁。The lawn was crawling with ants.

他们躺在绿草如茵的草坪上。They are lying on a grassy lawn.

该是给草坪上肥的时候了…It is time to fertilize the lawn.

在草坪上撒上草籽。Scatter the lawn with grass seed.