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大海呈天青石色。The sea was of a lapis lazuli blue.

煤炭、花岗石、天青石等资源性产品。Coal, granite, lapis lazuli and other.

天青石制成的蓝色颜料。A blue pigment made from powdered lapis lazuli.

而天青石当时非常贵,而且难弄到。Lapis Lazuli was very expensive and hard to get.

我们发现了一个金属环和一块青金石。We discovered a metal ring and a piece of lapis lazuli.

他们是以顺时钟的方向环绕著青金石。They are circling the Lapis Lazuli stone in clockwise direction.

传说彩色蓝宝石将保护穿著者的邪恶。Legend has it that Lapis Lazuli would protect the wearer from evil.

药师琉璃光如来是一位佛的大医生。Medicine Mater Thus come one lapis lazuli light in Buddha great doctor.

黄金常常装饰三种颜色的玛瑙,绿松石青金石。Gold was frequently decorated with three colors of cornelian , turquoise lapis lazuli.

在愈合,彩色蓝宝石是用来减轻疼痛,特别是偏头痛。In healing, Lapis Lazuli is used to alleviate pain, especially that of migraine headaches.

这是一个在两侧都刻有一条龙环抱著一个椭圆形青金石的金戒子。It is a gold ring with one dragon each inscribed on two sides of an oval shape Lapis Lazuli.

蜜腊为深蓝色微晶石的主要组成矿物青金石。Lapis lazuli is a dark blue microcrystalline rock composed primarily of the mineral lazurite.

再举一个,更贴近我们的例子,1935年,Yeats在“Lapis,Lazuli“一诗中写道“So I just wanted to give another example a little closer to home in the poem of Yeats, the 1935 poem "Lapis Lazuli."

实验结果显示了不同质地青金石的不同成分组成和微观结构特征。Experimental results show that lapis lazuli specimens of different qualities have different compositions and structures.

青金石是一种最古老的玉石,也是东西方文化交流的见证之一。Lapis lazuli is one of the oldest precious stones and also a proof of cultural exchange between the western and eastern world.

采用富氧屏蔽火焰原子吸收光谱法成功地测定天青石中钡含量。The content of barium in lapis lazuli was successfully determined by oxygen-enriched shield flame atomic absorption spectrometry.

伴生矿物的种类和含量差异为探寻青金石的产地来源提供了有益的信息。The categories and quantities of accompanying minerals provide beneficial information for exploring the provenance of lapis lazuli.

伴生矿物的种类和含量差异为探寻青金石的产地来源提供了有益的信息。The categories and quantities of accompanying minerals provide beneficial information for exploring the provenance of tapis lazuli.

其他部位还镶嵌了青金石,蓝、绿松石,帽体上还有黄金制成的蛇形长龙。Elsewhere, there is a saddle inlaid with lapis lazuli and blue and green turquoise, its panels swarming with gold, serpentine dragons.

伦勃朗没法在美术商店买到一管管的颜料,他只能自己研磨做颜料,比如把天青石磨成粉来当蓝色颜料用。Rembrandt didn't go to the local art shop and buy tubes of paint. He had to grind and mix his paints from things such as lapis lazuli to make blue.