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我穿透了你的防线,莱托。I have broken through your defenses, Leto.

我们会像勒托那样用一枝红色康乃馨当领结吗?Would we, as Leto did, wear a red carnation as a bow-tie?

阿耳特弥斯是月亮女神。她是宙斯和勒托的女儿,也是阿。Artemis was the moon goddess. Daughter of Zeus and Leto. Twin sister of Apollo.

这一次莱托要扮演的是谋杀约翰·列农的凶手——马克·戴维·查普曼。This time around Leto embodies Mark David Chapman—the man who murdered John Lennon.

但当我说“就是那部杰瑞德·莱托增肥演出的片子”,他们都说知道。But when I say, ‘This is the one where Jared Leto gained a lot of weight, ’ they know it.

其中之一便是黑暗女神勒托,提坦神科俄斯和福柏的女儿。One of these was Leto , a goddess of darkness and daughter of the Titans Coeus and Phoebus.

雷托此时正站在山顶上俯视底比斯城,当她看到这一幕,她决心要“以牙还牙”。Standing on top of a hill overlooking Thebes , Leto saw all this and was ready to pay back.

然而在三年后两人分手,随后在2009年,卡梅隆开始与男星贾里德·勒托拍拖长达四年之久。They separated three years later, and she then dated actor Jared Leto in 1999 for four years.

利物浦已经同意希腊帕纳辛奈科斯对利物浦边锋塞巴斯蒂安-列托的报价。Liverpool have agreed a deal with Greek side Panathinaikos for the sale of winger Sebastian Leto.

艾德荷快速朝安城望了一眼表示出惊讶,然后突然回头注视着莱托。Idaho revealed his surprise in the quick look toward Onn and the sudden return of his gaze to Leto.

在众多的奥林匹斯山神中,最受推崇的就是宙斯和勒托的儿子阿波罗。Among the crowd of Olympian gods the one most widely admired was Apollo. He was the son of Zeus and Leto.

以他的身高优势,莱托可以望见遥远的峡谷中他下令建造的节庆之城——安城。From his vantage, Leto could see the distant notch where he had caused the Festival City of Onn to be built.

利物浦边锋列托透露他未来转会到帕纳辛奈科斯几成定局。Liverpool winger Sebastian Leto has revealed he is almost certain to move to Panathinaikos in the near future.

她和孪生兄弟阿波罗杀死了底比斯王后尼俄伯所有的孩子,就因为尼俄伯夸口说自己的子女比勒托的多。She and Apollo killed the children of Niobe, queen of Thebes, after Niobe boasted that she had more children than Leto.

当LaurenLeto还是密西根州立大学的一名学生时,她会将他男朋友发给她的搞笑文字不自觉的发送给她的好朋友。When Lauren Leto was a student at Michigan State, she would forward friends unintentionally funny texts sent by her boyfriend.

现在需要的是和莱托不间断的谈话,单纯地讨论即将举行的到节庆之城安城的旅行。Uninterrupted conversation with Leto was required now, plain talk about the impending peregrination to the Festival City of Onn.

司预言、音乐、医药、诗歌之神,勒托和宙斯地儿子,阿耳忑迷斯地哥哥,有时等同于太阳神。The god of prophecymusic medicine and poetry the son of Leto and Zeus and the brother of Artemis sometimes indentified with the sun.

我认为因苏亚和列托在左边的表现非常非常好,他们的理解力非常好,使队伍攻防平衡。I thought Emiliano Insua and Sebastian Leto did very well down the left. They had a very good understanding and gave us great balance.

这个夏天贝尼特斯已经购买了约翰逊还有阿奎拉尼,然而也放走了阿隆索、阿贝罗阿还有列托。Benitez has brought in Glen Johnson and Alberto Aquilani already this summer while selling Xabi Alonso, Alvaro Arbeloa and Sebastien Leto.

红军已经必然缺少卢卡斯和列托,因此贝尼特斯希望马斯切拉诺能够留在默西塞德。The Reds are already certain to be without Lucas Leiva and Sebastian Leto , but Benitez had hoped that Mascherano would stay on Merseyside.