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适用于赤白带下。Apply to bare leucorrhoea to fall.

怀孕还有没有白带的?。Be pregnant to still have leucorrhoea?

为什么经期过后,白带有血?Why after period passes, does leucorrhoea have blood?

怀孕时白带会增多吗?The leucorrhoea when be pregnant meeting grow in quantity?

益母草药,调经止带。Leonurus herbal regulates menstruation and arrest leucorrhoea.

为什么最近的白带像浆糊无色无味?Why does recent leucorrhoea resemble sizy and colorless insipidity?

白带增多等,甚至诱发生殖道感染。Leucorrhoea grow in quantity, cause reproductive path to affect even.

主治更年期妇女浮肿、白带增多。Advocate order increase of dropsy of woman of the turn of life, leucorrhoea.

白带曾多是怀孕的前兆还是月经的前兆?Is leucorrhoea ever more is those who be pregnant augural is still be menstruation augural ?

白带成水状夹杂着象豆腐乳一样的东西,正常吗?。Leucorrhoea is worn into water state be mingled with the thing like fermented bean curd, normal?

白带多,还有象豆腐渣的物体。又痒。请问我得了什么病?。Leucorrhoea is much, still have the object that resembles bean curd broken bits. Itch again. What disease did I get excuse me?

请问腰酸,小腹坠疼,白带有时呈粉状,有异味,是什么炎症。The waist is excuse me acerbity, alvine object ache, leucorrhoea is shown sometimes farinaceous, have peculiar smell, it is what inflammation.

内阴烧痒,白带增多变浓且呈浅绿色,请问一下是哪种妇科炎症啊?。Shade is burned inside urticant, thicken of leucorrhoea grow in quantity and show reseda, excuse me inflammation of which kinds of department of gynaecology be?

带下增多带下量增多,多为黄白色粘液状,有时为脓性,或水样血性。Morbid leucorrhoea increase morbid leucorrhoea quantity increases, many sticks the liquidity for the yellow white, sometimes is the purulent, or water sample courage and uprightness.