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并对该林区主要植被类型中的藤本植物进行了相应的讨论。The author has also studied the liana of major vegetation types.

2006年在青藤子艺术空间住举办秋季油画联展。In 2006, liana art space live painting exhibition held in autumn.

莉安娜静静地站在门口。她这才恍然觉悟到底发生了什么事。Liana stood on the doorway silently. She just came round to realise what had happened.

丽安娜和爱丽莎。她们是会分享一切的最好的朋友,特别是她们对歌颂的爱好。Liana and Alexa are best friends who share everything-especially their love of singing.

藤本植物是白眉长臂猿在乔灌层之间活动的主要交通媒介和连接纽带。Liana was the main media and connection through which hoolock gibbon traveled between arbor forests and shrubs.

青藤子艺术空间也将积极为收藏家和观众提供中国当代最具艺术价值和市场潜力的艺术作品。Liana Art Space is trying their best to provide the up-to-date valuable or potential pictures for collectors and interested persons.

介绍了华南地区常用的藤本植物种类及特性,提出了在其边坡水土保持工程应用中出现的问题及解决方法。Finally, it raises the appearing problems and resolving methods in the application of liana in water and soil conservation engineering of side slope.

目的薯莨是生长于我国中南地区的一种多处生藤本植物,其块茎是一味常中草药。Dioscorea eirrhosa Lour is a perennial and liana plant in the central south China, of which the tuber is one of the traditional Chinese medical herbs.

具有木质长茎的攀缘植物,常从地面起一直盘绕到其他植物的顶部,它的枝常自由下垂,例如,马钱子。Liana A long-stemmed woody climbing plant that grows from ground level to the canopy of trees, and of the hangs down freely from branches, e. g. curare.

妈妈L说,对9个月大的K密切关注能帮她提前满足宝宝的需求,这让母子俩的生活更轻松更愉快。Mom Liana Scott says paying close attention to 9-month-old Keaton has helped her anticipate his needs, which makes life easier and more fun for both of them.

于是,阿加西独霸着一个宽敞的笼子,过着至尊无上而又清心寡欲的生活,直到莲娜的出现。Reluctant to release Ajiaxi back to nature, ?the nail-biting zoologists?put Ajiaxi into a spacious cage where he lived a superior and sex-free life until Liana came to him.

所以,爬山虎对光照强度的适应范围较广,具有较强的抗旱性而不适应高土壤水分环境,是适用于干旱瘠薄荒山植被恢复的优良藤本植物。It has the property of strong drought-resistance but can not stand the high soil moisture environment. Therefore, it is a suitable liana to the afforestation in barren mountain area.

通过调查样带中树木病虫危害和藤本植物危害等指标,对澳门松山公园树木健康状况进行了评估。Tree health in Songshan Park, Macao was evaluated in terms of tree disease, pest and liana destroy using transect sampling method, which six transects and 900 trees were investigated.