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我只是想帮利力浦特。I only want to help Lilliput !

那就是利力浦特的问题。That's the problem in Lilliput.

现在我再回来讲我在利力浦特的经历。Now I shall return to my adventures in Lilliput.

利国皇帝听到这件事时,他又发怒了。When the emperor of Lilliput heard this, he got angry again.

所以大约三周后我开始使用利力浦特人的语言。And so in about three weeks I began to speak the language of Lilliput.

那是一个非常靠近我们的岛屿,几乎和利力浦特一样大一样重要。It's an island very near us, almost as large and important as Lilliput.

利国皇帝想要征服布国,将其人民变成自己的奴隶。The emperor of Lilliput wanted to conquer Blefuscu and make the people his slaves.

一些日子之后,在我最初到达利力浦特的海岸上发现了一个奇怪的黑色东西。Some days later a strange black thing was seen on the beach where I had first arrived in Lilliput.

还有别的王公也不喜欢我,他们共同说服了国王,认为我对利力浦特是一大危险。There were other lords who also disliked me, and together they managed to persuade the King that I was a danger to Lilliput.

还有别的王公也不喜欢我,他们共同说服了国王,认为我对利力浦特是一大危险。There were other lords who also disliked me, and together they managed to persuade the King that I was a danger to Lilliput.

还有,在咱们六千月的历史中,除去利立浦特与布莱夫斯库以外,没有关于其他地域的记录。Besides, our histories of six thousand moons make no mention of any other regions, than the two great empires of Lilliput and Blefuscu.

那个国度叫利力浦。该国皇帝叫他的臣民制作一辆大型马车,因为他想要把我运到首都去。The land was called Lilliput. The emperor of Lilliput told his men to make a very big cart, because he wanted to take me to the capital city.

唐前小人传说集中出现在晋代,其作为一种先兆妖异被解释。In the pre-Tang days, the legend of Lilliput appeared most frequently in the Jin literature, usually interpreted as indications of fairy or demon.

当然其中一波三折的剧情,也使我为之心惊肉跳,然而,另我印象深刻的要数主人公在小人国的经历。Of course, the twists and turns of the story, so I was terrified, but on the other I was impressed to the number of the hero experience in lilliput.

厦门利利普科技有限公司是一家集研发、生产和销售于一体的高新技术企业。Xiamen Lilliput Technology Co. , Ltd. is a hi-tech enterprise, which combines the function of Research and Development, production and manufacture and distribution.

小人及小人国传说,借助于民间造伪,一些出土实物,又较多地传扬于明代隆庆年间。The Lilliput and the legend of Lilliput land recurred in the Crown Title of Longqing in the Ming Dynasty with the help of popular fabrication and some unearthed utensils.

伴随着对外视域的扩大,小人国成了外域博物传说惯常话题。With the extension of vision beyond the homeland, Lilliput came to be a frequent and conventional subject with regard to legends of material abundance in some exotic land.