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我是含着金汤匙出生的。I was born loaded.

阵列开始形成。And word array is loaded.

爱是个意义深远的字。Love is very loaded word.

他们给卡车装完货物。They loaded up the lorry.

这是一个说不清楚的问题。This is a loaded question!

爱是个意义深远的字。LOVE is a very loaded word.

中间那块岩芯曾加载。The middle core was loaded.

空气里满是尘埃。The air is loaded with dirt.

这些车已载满了。The vehicles were loaded up.

我可是带着一件上膛的武器。I’m carrying a loaded weapon.

全船货物原收原交。All cargo delivered as loaded.

小心,那枪是上了膛的。Be careful, that gun's loaded.

他们把米装上大车。They loaded the cart with rice.

电影海报总是信息丰富。Movie posters are always loaded.

树枝上果实累累。The bough was loaded with fruit.

能流模式加载的关卡是否被加载?Can the streamed level be loaded?

他载誉返乡。He went home loaded with honours.

这台小货车载满了食品杂货。The van is loaded with groceries.

webfonts或局部加载的字体?Webfonts or Locally loaded fonts?

爱是个意义深远的字。Well, love is a very loaded word.