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她把我锁在门外。She locked me out.

她把自己锁在屋里了。She locked herself in.

门没上锁。The door isn't locked.

我锁好了所有的门。I locked all the doors.

她的牙关紧闭。Her jaws tightly locked.

她用锁锁上了桌子抽屉。She locked her desk drawer.

这抽屉锁不上。The drawer can't be locked.

我已经锁定他的曲球了。I've locked in on his curve.

盛大被数字家庭卡住?。Shanda Locked by Digital Box?

这块地四周都是山。The land is locked with hills.

他不能,他的喉咙哽住了。He couldn't, his throat locked.

母亲把食物锁起来。Mother kept the food locked up.

她会挖到一个锁起的盒子。She digs and sees a locked box.

彼得和简臂挽臂地走着。They locked arms and walked off.

我们的村庄被群山围绕。Our village is locked with hills.

试卷就在我抽屉里锁着,回家要好好复习功课!Test paper is locked in my drawer!

那家伙此刻在哪里,关进缧绁了?。Where's the fellow now, locked up?

文化中心每一道门都上了锁。Every door at the center is locked.

他把文件锁进抽屉。He locked the file into the drawer.

她用手臂紧紧搂住他的脖子。She locked her arms about his neck.