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我们都被他那种崇高品质所深深感染。We were all greatly moved by his loftiness.

我们都被他那种崇高的品质所深深感到。We were all greatly moved by his loftiness.

他的自命清高使他在下岗后陷入绝望的境地。His loftiness sends him into despair when deprived of his job.

我说这话,免得有人以巧言花语欺骗你们。Now this I say, that no man may deceive you by loftiness of words.

他有钱,当然我们所有的人都愿意像他一样有钱,能够享受奢华,闲暇和高贵。Well, all of us want to be rich like him to enjoy luxury, leisure and loftiness.

这显现出,他们理想主义的一面,及一种类似灵魂的高傲。It reveals to us something about their idealism and a certain kind of loftiness of soul.

这显现出,他们理想主义的一面,及一种类似灵魂的高傲。It reveals to us something about their idealism and a certain kind of loftiness of soul.

其风格于时尚中见质朴,于质朴中显高雅,于高雅中彰奔放。Its style sees plainly in the fashion, reveals loftily in the plainness, in loftiness clear bold.

照亮了纯白天花板的向上照射的灯光使这个萧萧的教堂充满了庄重和颜色的感觉。The ring uplights on the all-white ceiling fill this small church with a sense of poise and loftiness.

超高温蒸汽处理有利于增加丝绵的弹性和蓬松性。Treatment with extra high temperature steam is beneficial to the elasticity and loftiness of floss silk.

以前总是想有很多的钱花,现在还是在为这个目标奋斗,虽然嘴上假清高。Always think a lot of money to spend, now or in the struggle for this goal, although grebe false loftiness.

崇高常常是通过悲剧显现的,它的功用是使人们找到宣泄情感的途径。The loftiness often appears through the tragedy, its function is to make people find the way to lead off emotion.

崇高是一种能给人带来审美愉悦的美学范畴,语文教学需要这样的情感美育。The loftiness belong to aesthetic sphere which do much good to taste joviality, as is needed by the Chinese teaching.

人应认识自我,认清导致其高尚或卑下,光荣或屈辱,富有或贫穷的根源。Man should know his own self and recognize that which leadeth unto loftiness or lowiness glory or abasement wealth or poverty.

第三章,从“忧患意识”和“大”之精神来揭示孔子思想审美超越性的原因。The third chapter is to reveal the reason of Confucius' aesthetic transcendence, from "sense of worriness" and spirit of "loftiness".

那一开始,便暗示着一种高尚及公平的观点,一种哲学家的特性,但不一定是公民所具备。It suggests, from the beginning, a kind of loftiness and impartiality of perspective characteristic of the philosopher, but not necessarily the citizen.

另一方面,结合美学知识,从这部作品的“优美”、“崇高”两方面论析这四首歌曲的审美特色。On the other hand , this thesis discusses the aesthetic feature of these four songs from the aspects of "grace" and " loftiness" with aesthetics knowledge.

乌托邦精神的庄严和崇高,在这首重新编曲的歌里被消解,而另外一种对青春激情的追忆,仍然使人热血沸腾。The solemnity and loftiness of Utopia is dissolved in this adaptation, but anther reminiscence of juvenile passion can still make people burning with enthusiasm.

它打破了视文化为高高在上的传统观念,继而砸碎“带高”颠覆“神秘”。It has broken the traditional concept of culture standing high above the masses, and succeedingly broken its aspect of " loftiness " and toppled its " mystification".

织物布满无数小孔、立体感强,有很好的适气透湿性,手感丰厚,是加工休闲服装和装饰用品的理想面料。The fabrics are covered with countless holes, it has fine permeability , good stereoscopic effects , loftiness hand. It's the finest material for making superfine cloth and leisure clothes.