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他们砍伐了部分林区的树木。They logged part of the area.

我的心猛跳,我登录。My heart pounding, I logged on.

你已经登入过多少时数了?How much link-time have you logged?

他在航海日志之中记下船速每小时十海里。He logged the ship's speed at 10 knots.

睫毛真长啊!以后一定是个大美人!You must be logged in to post a comment.

他将木材锯成3英尺的段木。He logged the timber into 3 foot lengths.

他们已经记录了90余例投诉。They have logged more than 90 complaints.

他们为工人送来了食物和饮水。They logged the workers with food and water.

大大,我按下载点,它说。You must be logged in to download this file.

在四天的展会期间,C4获得了30架的订单。The C4 logged 30 orders in the four-day event.

如果用户已登录,那么它显然就是一个用户。If the user is logged in, he is obviously a user.

我还没有登录,因为它不再是简捷的了。I haven’t logged on because it’s not simple anymore.

对于用户的每次登录,它都应该包含一条相应的记录。It should contain one record for each logged in user.

我7点开机工作,12点关机。I logged on at 7 o'clock and logged off at 12 o'clock.

但是如果用户成功登录后会发生什么呢?But what happens if the user has successfully logged in?

紧接著的那个赛赛季,麦迪71场,姚明只保持了48场。The next year McGrady played 71, but Yao only logged 48.

这艘军舰在海上的头四天航行了350英里。The warship logged 350 miles in the first 4 days at sea.

那晚,我登录了远程网,开普在线。That night, I logged on to the Telnet and Kep was in there.

如果未指定日志,则性能会更高。If not logged is specified, the performances is even better.

2008年,美国的航空运输达到5830亿的旅客周转量。In 2008, U. S. airplanes logged 583 billion passenger miles.