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现在,成了一个茶室。Now, there is a tea lounge.

别吊儿郎当地混时间。Don't lounge away your time.

我慢慢走进休息室。I ambled into the lounge area.

请到休息室喝茶吧。Please go to the lounge for tea.

请搭客在休息室等待。Will passengers please wait in the lounge?

斯考比很快地走回休息厅。Scobie walked rapidly back into the lounge.

饭后我们都到休息室去了。After dinner we all adjourned to the lounge.

好吧,现在请你们跟我一起到那边的客Now, if you’ll just follow me to the lounge.

能否请你在休息室稍候片刻?Would you care to wait a moment in the lounge?

勒柯布西耶的躺椅LC4超硬。Le Corbusier LC4 "lounge" chair " super " hard.

我们到候机厅去休息一下吧。Let's go to the departure lounge to have a rest.

这是我亲爱的夫人在候机室。And here is my dear wife in the departure lounge.

那简直就是一个高档的私人商务会所。It looks more a private club than a hotel lounge.

把沙发坐垫拿起来,用吸尘器清洁座垫下面。Lift cushions on lounge suite and vacuum beneath.

人们走来走去,随意聊天,开着玩笑,松松散散。Men go and come, they talk, they jest, they lounge.

这是那种穿来在家里东晃西晃的裤子。They're the kind of pants you can lounge around in.

候机厅内有磁卡电话么?Is there any phonecard phones in the waiting lounge?

贵宾室及会议室的设备及整洁是否良好?。Are the VIP lounge and conference rooms well maintained?

复健科,供应室,厨房,交谊厅。Rehabilitation Division, Supply Center, Kitchen, Lounge.

您必须到移民处办完手续再去候机室。You must go through Immigration to the departure lounge.