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俗气就是流露出来的一种下劣性。Vulgarity is a lowness that proclaims itself.

精神,找到你的路——寻找像河一样的卑贱。Spirit, find your way, in seeking lowness like a stream.

能够把自己压得低低的,那才是真正的尊贵。One being able to confine himself lowness is really noble.

中国股市的低迷引发了资本市场情形的恶化。The lowness of China stock market solicits the deterioration of conditions of capital market.

这恰恰反映出了中国审计市场目前的竞争秩序混乱、市场效率低下。It just reflects the confusion of competition and lowness of efficiency in Chinese audit market.

整体的项目流变是一种推动香港电影产业由低端向高端的流变,是一种不断使其获得竞争优势的流变。On the whole, it is a change from lowness to highness, acquiring continuously the advantage of competition.

她很和善且耐心,她对学习新知识的缓慢并不介意,但并不意味着她对我们要求不严格。She did not mind the students' lowness in learning new knowledge, but it did not mean that she was not strict with us.

其他品种间差异较大或偏低,不可以做相互授粉品种。There was a great difference or lowness among the other cultivars and they couldn't be pollinated-variety one another.

如何根据配股价格的实质判断配股价格的高低呢?。How can we judge the lowness or highness of the price of proportional issuance by using the essence of proportional issuance?

文章认为图书馆学术论文质量的滑坡是由其内在的动力机制决定的。The paper thinks that the cause of lowness quality of academic articles about library is generally caused by its intrinsic driving mechanism.

在我国,水果品质检测大部分仍停留在靠人工感官进行识别判断的原始阶段,这种主观判定效率低,误差大。In our country, detections of fruits are mainly depended on the human's sense organs, which lead to lowness of efficiency and bigness of error.

岑参咏嘉州诗,虽然在其创作的诗歌中比例不大,却鲜明地反映出其诗歌创作黯淡低沉、廖落失意的一面。Poems on ode to Jiazhou composed by Cen Shen account for a small proportion in his poetic creation, but it clearly reflects bleakness and lowness.

教师的情绪才是主导教学的关键因素,因此教师情绪的缺失就会导致教学质量的底下。The emotion of teachers is the key element of directing teaching, so the lack of teacher's emotion may lead to lowness of the quality of teaching.

道德教育在社会发展过程中起着重要作用。我国有着几千年的道德教育传统,积累了相当丰富的道德教育经验。Moral education has been attached great importance in our country, but the fact of the lowness of actual effect of moral education is an inevitable reality.

生物处理单元采用好氧-缺氧-好氧工艺对废水进一步处理,将NH_3-N的含量降到最低。The wastewater was treated further by aerobic-anoxic-aerobic biological process as the biological unit and the content ofNH_3-N was reduced the most lowness.

研究表明,淮阴区空气质量状态存在鲜明的冬春高、夏秋低的季节差异。The research shows that there are distinctive seasonal differences of air quality in Huanyin district with highness in winter and spring and lowness in autumn and summer.

依据本研究结果,建议护理人员提供以家庭为中心及人性化关怀之护理照顾,协助此类孕妇渡过此不幸的历程。This research provides a reference for nursing staff when taking care of women who terminate second trimester pregnancy and assisting them walking out of emotional lowness.

要彻底地清除腐败是一个非常漫长的历史过程,但是在特定的时期内,将腐败控制到最低限度是可以做到的。It is a very slow historical process to cleanup corruption root and branch. But at the same time, it is possible to control lowness of the corruption in the special periods of social history.

我军基层现阶段法律服务工作存在着服务理念相对滞后、服务能力相对薄弱和服务质量相对偏低等问题,走出这一困境的出路是实现法律服务工作的创新发展。There exist some problems in the present legal service for the grass roots of PLA of China , such as the lag of service concept, the weakness of service abilities and the lowness of service quality.