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在这层意义上,白酒是交流联络的关键。In this sense, baijiu is the lynchpin of networking.

中场是他的巴西人和勒万多斯基最为他的关键人物。In midfield his Brazilians and Lewandowski as his lynchpin.

车队受到了巨大的打击并且再也没有从失去自己的核心人物中完全恢复过来。The team was devastated and never fully recovered from the loss of their lynchpin.

这条通道将会成为沟通南北欧的新交通网的枢纽。The passageway will form the lynchpin of a new network between northern and southeastern Europe.

感应塔好比人族基地的保险闩,因此需要严加防护,聪明的敌人都会先去毁掉人类的感应塔。Sensor towers are a lynchpin ofterran base defenses, and as such, they need to be heavily guarded.

我们两个国家的联盟对于整个太平洋地区的自由和稳定至关重要。The alliance between our two nations is the lynchpin for freedom and stability throughout the Pacific.

生涯已由实力自从和他现在是该队的队长及其甚殷。His career has gone from strength to strength ever since and he is now the team's captain and its lynchpin.

如果要卖的是关键球员的话很可能会引发其他队员的骚动。It may also cause unrest in other players within the team if the player in question is a lynchpin of a team.

中国及其他国家担忧美国的政策立场将导致美元这个全球经济的至要贬值.China, among others, frets that the U.S. policy stance will debase the dollar, the lynchpin of the global economy.

正是这一点,导致将土耳其作为覆盖所有穆斯林和突厥地区的帝国之核心的幻想尤其地辛酸。Which lends extra poignancy to the vision of Turkey as the lynchpin of this empire, covering all Muslims and all Turks.

毋庸置疑,巴基斯坦想要维持代理战争的能力,而虔诚军是这一战略的关键。There is little question that Pakistan wishes to maintain the capability for proxy warfare, and Lashkar remains a lynchpin of this strategy.

为了弄清楚这对于GPS数据市场到底有多大的冲击,你必须首先清楚转由转向的数据关键,也正是这个支撑了此双寡头。To understand just how disruptive this is to the GPS data market, you must first understand that “turn-by-turn” data was the lynchpin that held the duopoly together.

法律年度开启典礼提供一个适当的场合,让我们重温香港赖以成功的基石,同时思考在那些方面我们仍需努力,使其更加巩固。The annual Opening of the Legal Year is a fitting occasion to remind ourselves of the lynchpin of our success and to consider what more has to be done to strengthen it.

由于同时与服务提供者和服务使用者具有业务和技术相关性,服务版本管理模型的关键是服务规范。Because of its business and technical relevance to both service provider and service consumer, the lynchpin of the service versioning model is the service specification.

甚殷这些分析是假设的消极弹性没有这种假设,没有任何依据,为以后的初等计算丧失就业机会。The lynchpin of these analyses is the assumption of the negative elasticity—without that assumption, there is no basis for the subsequent elementary calculations of job loss.

这项计划的关键是要在3-5年内将四川省建成闻名国际的旅游胜地,让游客了解羌族和大禹族的文化。A lynchpin of the plan is transforming the province into an internationally renowned destination for travelers to learn about the Qiang and Dayu ethnic minorities' cultures within three to five years.