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音乐现在变得急骤了。The music became maddening now.

尽管如此,这可能是一本走火入魔的书。Still, this can be a maddening book.

我觉得约伯记是最恼人的故事集了。The Book of Job is the most maddening of stories.

而报道另一些会议可能让你眼花缭乱。And reporting from some meetings can be maddening.

狮子座苔意识到他的职业生涯发疯的矛盾。Leos Carax is aware of the maddening contradiction of his career.

因为列国都被她邪淫大怒的酒倾倒了。For all the nations have drunk the maddening wine of her adulteries.

尽管此前多次,你从未真正走出这狂乱的深渊。Even though many times before, you never did escape the maddening abysm.

在被霜之哀伤疯狂的低吟折磨不堪后,阿尔塞斯失去了他仅剩的心智。Tormented by Frostmourne's maddening voice, Arthas lost vestiges of his sanity.

令人发狂.对此事,我持续了三天爆裂的头痛.是什么给他的?Maddening. I left that encounter with a splitting headache that lasted three days.

在观众狂热的喝采声中,阿梅“安哥”。Ah Mui " encored" responding to the shouting and clapping of the maddening audience.

他跟露丝一起度过的时光给了他希望,却并无结果。The hours he spent with Ruth were maddening alike in promise and in inconclusiveness.

杰姆身上除了最近出现的怪脾气外,还添上了一副叫人受不了的自作聪明的派头。In addition to Jem's newly developed characteristics, he had acquired a maddening air of wisdom.

我觉得约伯记是最恼人的故事集了。每次读它,我都会对上帝非常失望。The Book of Job is the most maddening of stories. Every time I read it, I get frustrated with God.

围绕最高法院大法官提名的政治环境充满强烈的情感氛围,令人发狂。The highly charged political environment that envelops a Supreme Court nomination can be maddening.

当然,等人帮你忙会让你心浮气躁,但是重拨以及再次等候援助只会浪费你更多时间。Sure, it's maddening to wait for help. But redialing and waiting again will only waste more of your time.

戴骨顺去老猫咖啡贩消磨时间,说起谢小诺这样的上级让人抓狂。Bone suitable to wear old cat coffee vendor to kill time, speaking of Xie Xiaonuo such superior maddening.

克洛艾每一个姿势的意蕴都悬浮在纯真和诱惑之间,满含令人疯狂的意义。Suspended between innocence and collusion, Chloe's every gesture became imbued with maddening significance.

虽然这样给雇主带来了很高的效率,但是对求职者来说却可能是让人发狂的痛苦过程。While that brings greater efficiency to the process for employers, it can be awfully maddening for job seekers.

吉尔的奇怪需求和放浪形骸让杰克发狂,把他的平静生活彻底搞乱了。Jill's neediness and passive-aggressiveness is maddening to Jack, turning his normally tranquil life upside down.

他们指责她简单的人员配置,令人发疯的按项目收费模式以及对乘客的不友好态度。They decry Ryanair's terse staff, maddening á la carte charges, and seemingly adversarial attitude to passengers.