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她还没有到婚龄。She is not of marriageable age.

我认为适婚年龄非常愚蠢。I think that marriageable age is silly.

相识我老公时我们都已经是婚龄年岁了。Know my husband when we are of marriageable age.

村里有超过30名达到结婚年龄的男子,但没有一个适龄的单身女性。The village has over 30 men of marriageable age, but no single women.

到2050年,中国和印度将出现六千万适婚年龄的男性找不到伴侣。By 2050, there will be 60m more men of marriageable age than women in China and India.

从实施状况来看,唐代关于婚龄的立法规定,在社会生活中得到了较好的实现。From the practice of law, the marriageable age lawmaking of the Tang Dynasty was well put into use.

他说,那时候不用商量,大家都想着等到他到了结婚年龄,他就会那样做。It was never discussed, but always assumed, that he would do this when he reached marriageable age, he said.

石岐区某服饰店妙龄美女四名公开向社会征夫婿一名。Marriageable belle makes public shop of some dress of stone Qi area 4 times to ask for a husband to the society.

到了试婚年龄的大猫们会向爱人求婚或是接受爱人的未婚.Those of marriageable age will finally propose to their loved one or accept love proposals from their loved ones.

这些女性过了适婚年龄,没有寻觅伴侣,但是他们也有性需求啊,所以他们要自我满足。They're past their marriageable age, can't find a partner and have sexual needs, so they turn to pleasuring themselves.

如今他们当中的一些人已经到了适婚年龄,争夺配偶的激烈竞争也由此展开,而这一问题在农村地区显得尤为严重。Now some of these men have reached marriageable age, resulting in intense competition for spouses, especially in rural areas.

他描述了在市场里一个40多岁的陌生男人如何走上前来问他是否有适婚的女儿。He describes how a stranger, a man in his mid forties, approached him in the market asking if he knew of any marriageable girls.

根据中国社会科学院的预测,今年达到婚龄的男性将比女性多230万。According to projections by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, this year will see 23 million more Chinese men of marriageable age than women.

当一个正当结婚妙龄的少女,敦促毫无挂碍的青年男子结婚的时候,非常清楚谁也不会认为她的行为纯粹出自利他主义的动机。When a marriageable young woman urges matrimony on an unencumbered young man the most obvious explanation of her conduct is not the altruistic impulse.

他们一度夺来了海伦。她是宙斯美丽的女儿,但她未到婚嫁年龄,于是特修斯让母亲照看她。At one time they got Helen by force, she was the beautiful daughter of Zeus, but as she was not yet of marriageable age, Theseus left her with his mother.

谶摩比丘尼出生于古印度摩羯陀国的皇室,当她已届适婚年龄,她嫁给了频婆娑罗王,成为这位大国王的众妃之一。The nun Khema belonged to a royal family from the land of Magadha. When she was of marriageable age, she became one of the chief consorts of King Bimbisara.

三十年来的严格的人口政策加重了传统意义上的男孩为主的思维并导致了适婚妇女的短缺.Three decades of strict family-planning policies have exacerbated a traditional preference for boy children and contributed to a shortage of marriageable women.

中国人口专家称截止到2020年,该国适婚年龄的男性将比女性多出三千万,这将给年轻男子娶妻带来困难。Chinese population experts say their country will have30 million more men of marriageable age than women by2020, making it difficult for young men to find wives.

特别要提到雌性萤火虫,在到了可以谈婚论嫁的时候,她仍保持着幼虫的模样,但这并不妨碍她在最炎热的夏天,自如地发着光。Let us consider more particularly the female, who, while retaining her larval shape, becomes marriageable and glows at her best during the hottest part of summer.

最近的调查一次又一次的表明,适婚女子视房子和车子为与之步入婚姻殿堂的未来丈夫应当具备的最理想的资产。Recent surveys have shown over and over that marriageable females rank housing and a car as the most desirable assets a potential husband can bring to a marriage.