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美洲印第安人的祖先大概知道乳齿象。The ancestors of American Indians probably knew the mastodon.

乳齿象乐队无数次获得提名,但是从来没有获奖过。Motorhead. Mastodon has been nominated a ton, but has never won.

他们研究的动物骨骸之一,就是乳齿象。One of the animals whose bones archeologists study is the mastodon.

而她却待家里设法去除地毯上乳齿象的味道!While she sits at home trying to get the mastodon smell out of the carpet!

她说,瀑布完全是为了点缀风景而存在的,犀牛和乳齿象也是一样。She says they were only made for scenery — like the rhinoceros and the mastodon.

照片中的人拿著一颗不久前出土的乳齿象牙齿。The man in this picture is holding a mastodon tooth that was found not very long ago.

如今,利用放射性碳素测定年代法,科学家已确定这一用乳齿象牙雕刻而成的长矛尖端的精确年代。Scientists have now accurately carbon-dated the sharp tip that itself carved from mastodon bone.

研究人员说他们已经完成了首个美洲乳齿象的细胞核遗传学分析The researchers say they have also done the first nuclear genetic analysis of the American mastodon

这一含有长矛尖的肋骨来自一批20世纪70年代后期采集出来的乳齿象遗骸。The rib containing the spear point was part of a collection of mastodon remains unearthed in the late 1970s.

据研究者说,他们还首次完成了已灭绝的美洲乳齿象细胞核DNA序列的测定。The researchers also made what they say are the first sequences of nuclear DNA from the extinct American mastodon.

应该是“他在外面乱搞女人,而她却坐在家里,试图去掉地摊上的野象的味道。He's out banging other women over the head with a club, while she sits at home trying to get the mastodon smell out of the carpet!

先前,第一个狩猎乳齿象的迹象与晚出现1000年的克劳维斯文明联系在一起。Previously the first indications of mastodon hunting were associated with the 'Clovis culture' which emerged some 1, 000 years later.

研究人员对比了非洲象和亚洲象,以及来自猛犸象和美洲乳齿象的细胞核DNA序列。The researchers compared sequences of DNA from the nuclei of African and Asian elephants, and from woolly mammoths and the American mastodon.

它的独特之处在于,该州没有其他已知的遗址同时包含猛犸象和乳齿象化石,甚至在整个北美也很罕见。It is unique because there are no other known sites in the state, and few in North America, that contain both mammoth and mastodon fossils in one location.