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万年求来的月老祝福。Million years of the matchmaker.

阿母谢媒人。The matchmaker her mother declines.

李媒婆给他们的答案是毫无疑问的肯定。Absolutely, Matchmaker Li told them.

宿命就是等待月老吗?The fate is waits for the matchmaker?

媒婆没问题,我会有办法的。Matchmaker No problem. I have an idea.

我跟你要的时候,你却说,被月老收走了。I tell you, you say, be matchmaker away.

米特尔曼是一种财务媒人。Mitelman's a kind of financial matchmaker.

媒婆你们知道今天是什么日子吗?Matchmaker What holiday is it? Do you know?

“啊!”媒人婆暗笑着出去了。"Aha! " The matchmaker grins and leaves the room.

媒人婆给憨熊看了张花大姐的照片。The matchmaker shows Han Bear a picture of Miss Ladybug.

情移俏娇妹,恩心报红娘。Love moves pretty little sister, grace heart news matchmaker.

为什么木兰去见媒婆时感到紧张?。Why was Mulan nervous when she was going to meet the matchmaker?

我同意去相亲,因为媒人是我最好的朋友。I agree to go on a blind date as the matchmaker is my best friend.

第一章重在探讨“媒妁”的源流辨析问题。Chapter 1 involves examining the origin and development of Matchmaker.

刘东方有一次托汪太太为妹妹做媒。Liu Tung-fang had once asked Mrs. Wang to act as matchmaker for his sister.

的确,像李媒婆所敦促的,这是一桩有利于两家的好姻缘。Yes, Matchmaker Li urged, this was a marriage sure to benefit both families.

即使是最能干的媒婆,要把你推销出去也相当困难。You’d be a terrifically hard sell even for the most accomplished matchmaker.

这些都没有问题了,不过李媒婆向付家提供的还要更多。No problem there. But there was still more Matchmaker Li needed to offer the Fus.

消息在唐人街绕了三圈儿,然后传到了媒人婆的耳朵里。The gossip passes around Chinatown three times and reaches the ear of a matchmaker.

看到周家的婚礼,两个邻居找到新媳妇小蔡,要她为他们的儿子当红娘。Two neighbors sought Ms. Cai out, and asked her to act as matchmaker for their sons.