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如果我们想要石油,它就会突然出现。If we want the oil, it will materialise.

然而,在河内发生的争吵显示这一协议并没达成。The spat in Hanoi suggested that the pact has yet to materialise.

谋事在人成是在天,尽管花了不少功夫,他设想的效果并没有成为现实。Despite those efforts, the big gains he envisaged did not materialise.

哪种改革会最终成为现实,我们仍然拭目以待。It remains to be seen what kinds of reforms will actually materialise.

在那些飞逝的时光中,项目有可能在一夜间成为现实或者被取消。In these fast-moving times, projects can materialise or be cancelled almost overnight.

如果民进党的强调的风险并未实现,喋喋不休地抱怨经济合作协议就无法讨好选民。Harping on about the ECFA may not go down well with voters if the risks the DPP stresses do not materialise.

世界各地的公共卫生官员承认,他们对这种新病毒最坏的担心尚未成为现实。Public health officials around the world acknowledge their worst fears about the new virus have yet to materialise.

若出价被否决,卡夫希望迄今为止立场坚定的股东将支持它的提议。Kraft is hoping that shareholders, who have so far held firm, will back its proposal if a bidding war fails to materialise.

这位拉科鲁尼亚的后卫本友可能在今年一月以租借的形势加盟英超豪门切尔西,但是却未能成行。The Deportivo La Coruna defender was linked with a loan move to Chelsea in the January transfer window but a deal failed to materialise.

不过上个赛季他在斯托克城度过了一个赛季的租借期,他的表现没有打动普利斯,在夏天前没有得到一份永久转会的合同。But he spent last season on loan with Stoke City and finds himself going into the summer without a club after a new contract failed to materialise.

与此同时,太平洋海啸警报中心星期天发出了全太平洋地区警报,原因是此前预计会出现的狂浪在许多国家未能突然出现。Meanwhile, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center on Sunday lifted its Pacific-wide alert, after fears of high waves failed to materialise in many countries.

事情已经非常清楚,这是一场异形协同入侵,HECU已经无力和这么一支在任何地方传送的部队对抗。It became clear that there was a coordinated alien invasion, and the HECU were out of their depth against a teleporting force that could materialise anywhere.

当他于4月中旬访问伦敦时未能会见撒切尔,我们难免感到奇怪并因此怀疑是非国大内部的强硬派人士阻止了曼德拉的会面计划。We were consequently surprised when the meeting didn't materialise on his mid-April visit to London and suspected that ANC hardliners had nixed Mandela's plans.

方法应用三维重建软件建立桡骨小头半脱位患者的三维有限元模型,分析并探讨桡骨小头半脱位旋前复位法的复位机理。Methods A RHS's threedimensional finite element model was established with materialise mimics to study the mechanism of pronation reduction of radial head subluxation.

令人惊叹的阵容卡里克有信心,即使贝尔巴托夫转会曼联不能实现,弗格森教练也绝对有能力在国内国际比赛中披荆斩棘,获得荣誉。Amazing Even if a move for Berbatov fails to materialise , Carrick is confident that Ferguson has the talent at his disposal to challenge for honours at home and abroad.

今夏,他的努力让他与罗马联系在一起,但由于罗马不愿支付3000万欧元的解约金而最终流产。His efforts saw him linked with Roma in the summer, but a move failed to materialise as the Italian club were unwilling to meet the player's release clause of €30 million.

它们也是军事系统中的关键部件,正因为此,许多分析师相信,如果清华紫光正式发出收购要约,美国极不可能批准。They are also key components in military systems — the reason that many analysts believe the US is extremely unlikely to approve a formal takeover offer, should it materialise.

官员们表示,他们预期交易将在今年晚些时候开始,但是,以前也曾有人预计,上海股指期货交易即将启动,但此后并未成为现实。Officials say they expect trading to begin later this year – but then, the imminent launch of Shanghai stock index futures trading has been predicted before, and failed to materialise.