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莫德姑婆很正经地说她不喜欢我穿的衣服。Aunt Maud did not like my clothes and she said so, roundly.

此外挪威声称南极洲的毛德皇后地属于本国。Additionally, Norway has a claim for Dronning Maud Land in Antarctica.

莫德是一个艺术家-一个专业的艺术家-她自己已经有一些名气了。Maud is an artist-a professional artist. She's made quite a name for herself.

“没,没有,”汤普金斯结结巴巴的说,“没有,当然没有。很高兴见到你,莫德。”No, no, ' stammered Mr. Tompkins. 'No. Of course not. Please to meet you, Maud.

浙江省儿童保健医院的医护人员纷纷对莫德春竖起大拇指。Child-care hospitals in Zhejiang Province The medical staff are on spring Maud thumbs-up.

悲痛之余,充满爱心的莫德春了解到医院还有亟待眼角膜救治的病人。Grief, caring Maud spring that the hospital also need to treat the cornea of the patient.

他们2002年结婚以后,贝恩安顿了下来,成了自豪的父亲,宝宝叫默德·安吉利卡。Since their 2002 wedding, Behn has settled down, becoming a proud papa to baby Maud Angelica.

她过去常说,“我很爱你的莫德姑婆,但是她真是走太远了,人生应该脚踏实地。”"I love Maud dearly, " She used to say, "but she can go too far. One has to put one's foot down.

穆德突然朝船舱楼梯口望去。“什么东西烧着了。”她说。浓烟从甲板底下弥漫出来。Maud suddenly looked toward the stairs. "Something is burning, " she said. Smoke came from below deck.

穆德•亚当斯,参议员亚当斯先生的女儿,仅有19岁的她由于被指控冒充顾客进商店行窃而被逮捕。Maud Adams, daughter of Senator W. R. Adams, was only 19 when she was arrested & accused of shoplifting.

像在其他地方在南极洲,令人惊讶的岩层伸出的南极冰盾慕德土地。Like nowhere else in the Antarctica, amazing rock formations stick out of the Antarctic ice shield in Queen Maud Land.

虽然莫德春是一个农民工,但他的思想觉悟却很高,高得出乎我们的意料。Maud Although spring is a migrant workers, but his ideological consciousness is very high, high caught us by surprise.

位于穆得女王领地和威尔克斯地之间的南极洲地区,83年和832年首次被勘探,由澳大利亚宣称对其拥有所属权。A region of Antarctica between Queen Maud Land and Wilkes Land. First explored in 83 and 832, it is claimed by Australia.

其中,班吉渴望得到凯蒂的温柔体贴反映了福克纳对他母亲穆德的依恋,以及对天真单纯的小女孩的偏爱。Benjy's eagerness to win Caddy's tenderness reflects Faulkner's affiliation to his mother Maud and his preference for little, innocent girl.

这个友善的,健谈的都柏林人不同情冷酷的莫德,并不十分意外,但意想不到的是她欣然接受扮演莫德所面对的挑战。It's not surprising that this friendly, chatty young Dubliner didn't warm to the cold, clinical Maud , but more unexpected that she leapt at the challenge to play her.