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我不喜欢如此伤感的影片。I do not like such maudlin pictures.

眼泪从漏底的眼睛流到浮肿的鼻子。Maudlin from leaky eye to swollen nose.

我现在已经能感受到所有伤感的话语。I can hear all of the maudlin talk already.

她继续用那种颇带几分伤感的语调说话。She continued in the same rather maudlin tone.

如果我想我可以那么忧郁或忧郁或韶华韶华。If I want to melancholy or maudlin then I can be melancholy or maudlin.

我们看了一部挺煽情的电影,讲一个孤儿如何在战争中失去了双亲。We saw a maudlin movie about an orphan who lost his parents in the war.

我们看了一部伤感的电影,它讲述一个孤儿在战争中失去双亲的故事。We saw a maudlin movie about an orphan who lost his parents in the war.

金凯瑞也许有意将他的电影带往感情脆弱的大众心理学领域。Mr. Carrey may be consciously steering his movies toward maudlin pop psychology.

很多网友发表评论称自己被狗狗可怜的眼神所感动。Dozens of commenters on the site said they had been touched by the dog's maudlin gaze.

我们偶然对那个失去的天地感到悲痛,不过在我看来,那是感情脆弱多愁善感的表现。Occasionally we mourn that lost world, but that, it seems to me, is maudlin and sentimental.

他平日不喝酒,但在周六晚上常会狂饮直至有些伤感。He never used to drink during the week but when saturday night arrived he drank until he was quite maudlin.

你可以对她多愁善感和精神上的傲慢表示不屑,但是你不能否定她的勇气。You could roll your eyes at her maudlin excesses and her spiritual imperiousness, but you couldn't deny her clout, or her courage.

不过也有一些片断远离他严格的审美标准——比如对名演员的采访,配备的感伤音乐。But there are also moments far from Mr. Zhao's rigorous aesthetic — interviews with celebrity actors, for example, and the use of maudlin music.

不过也有一些片断远离他严格的审美标准——比如对名演员的采访,配备的感伤音乐。But there are also moments far from Mr. Zhao’s rigorous aesthetic — interviews with celebrity actors, for example, and the use of maudlin music.

周一和周二可能会感到伤感忧郁,但你应该把这当作即将摆脱那些一直阻碍着你的莫名的多愁善感的时机。Monday and Tuesday might feel maudlin and moody, but you should take these as opportunities to get past any weird sentimentality that's been holding you back.

当死亡成为像「穿条纹衣的男孩」这类电影的主题时,藉著感伤的情绪衬托,美学诠释变成可以接受。When death dominates these films – as it does in "The Boy in the Striped Pajamas" – it is rendered aesthetically palatable by an overlay of maudlin sentiment.

我再也不用躺在那儿,听那些感情脆弱的傻娘们胡扯什么地球是怎么抖动的,我可以全身心的投入电影剧本的创作,为大众创造一个又一个的观念突破。Not having to lie there and listen to all that maudlin drivel about how the earth shook freed me up to work on film scripts and develop new breakthrough concepts.