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在1988年,我与MCA唱片公司签了个六张专辑的合约。In 1988 I signed a six-record deal with MCA Records.

他表示这是马华重组及改革的决定。He claims this is a decision to reshuffle and reform MCA.

我恭喜总会长、恭喜柔州马华、恭喜华社。Congratulations to President and MCA Johor as well as the Chinese community.

结论心先安是一种疗效可靠,无明显毒副作用的强心、扩血管药物。Conclusion Therapeutic results of MCA was dependable without obvious side effects.

只有这样,马华才能和国阵共同努力,强化国阵联盟。This is the only way that MCA and BN can work together to strengthen the coalition.

敢怒敢言如今成为了马华公会党选的一个热门的话题。Speak up with no fear became a very hot topic among MCA general election discussion.

与此同时,我选择不回应马华总会长的人身攻击。Meanwhile, I have chosen not to respond to personal attack launched by MCA President.

南洋报业也是赚钱的上市公司,这将使马华多一个资金来源。Besides, Nanyang Press, a profitable listed company, provides MCA an additional source of funds.

1998年当巫统被冠为不合法政党,马华丝毫没有一个念头背信弃义。In 1998, when UMNO was announced to be a non-legal political party, MCA and the other parties remained loyal.

如此强烈的言论出自一名马华副总会长兼内阁部长口中,巫统会有怎样的反应?But what is the reaction of Umno towards such a strong statement from an MCA vice-president and Cabinet Minister?

日本公司松下拥有MCA唱片、全球音像和从多广播产品及设备制造厂。The Japanese company Matsushita owns MCA records and universal Studios and manufactures broadcast production equipment.

事实上,若巫统还是冥顽不灵不愿改变,马华将无法扭转这种劣势。But of course, we in the MCA can never hope to achieve a turnaround in public perception if Umno does not actually change.

如果谈到华小,我们也做出努力今天我要告诉所有同志跟同胞们拨款比较重要?Talking about SJKCs, MCA has done a lot Today I would like to ask everyone here whether allocating funds is more important?

与其去争论,我宁用更多时间精力去探讨、与向党同志及马来西亚人民谈论马华迫切面对的大课题。But frankly what I would rather talk about to party members and Malaysians in general are the real issues the MCA has to face.

闭塞的颈内动脉再通14例,大脑中动脉再通29例,大脑中动脉分支再通30例,椎-基底动脉系统再通20例。Recanalization of ICA territory was achieved in 14 cases, MCA in 29, MCA branches in 30, and vertebral-basilar artery in 20 cases.

他被委任为马华吉打州联络委员会主席,同时是马华金宝区会主席。He is appointed as the chairman of the Kedah MCA state liaison committee. He is also currently the chairman of MCA Kampar division.

结论动脉内溶栓可有助于再通完全闭塞的大脑中动脉和改善患者预后。Conclusion Intra-arterial thrombolysis is helpful for recanalization of completely occluded MCA and improve the prognosis of patients.

即载MB冠状动脉走行迂曲成角时,舒张期MCA狭窄程度较走行正常者严重。That is contained MB tortuous coronary Traveling into the corner when the diastolic MCA stenosis is higher than normal Traveling serious.

第一次测定后,请受试者咀嚼口香糖5分钟与10分钟后分别进行大脑中动脉收缩期峰流速、舒张期峰流速、平均峰流速的测定。After first assay, the patients are asked to chew chewing gum for 5 min and 10min respectively, then, the Vs , Vd and Vm of MCA are measured.

电路内附反符合控制输入和门信号放大器,可实现对多道分析器的堆积拒绝和反符合控制。Appending a veto control and a gate signal amplifier in the circuit, MCA can be operated in both pile-up rejection mode and anticoincidence mode.