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医疗摄影师主要拍摄什么题材?What do medial photographers actually do?

撕开权利的中间新月形的在后喇叭膝行。Torn posterior horn of medial meniscus of right knee.

组进行同种异体内侧半月板移植。Allogenic medial menisci implantation were done in group A.

对比之下内侧髁比较大,而且比外侧髁更接近广椭圆形。The medial condyle is bigger and more oval than the lateral.

内侧颞叶对概念隐形记忆的支持作用.The Medial Temporal Lobe Supports Conceptual Implicit Memory.

图7-17臼杯周缘以内部分的应变引起臼杯不稳。Figure 7-17 Destabilization of cup from strains medial to rim.

腓肠肌内侧头和比目鱼肌无区分肌亚部的形态特征。The medial gastrocnemius and soleus are not compartmentalized.

电脑断层与核磁共振皆显示右侧内直肌增大。CT scans and MRI showed enlargement of right medial rectus muscle.

度三角韧带断裂或内踝撕脱骨折。Stage I. Rupture of deltoid ligament or avulsion of medial malleolus.

隐支供应膝内侧区的皮肤。The saphenous branch supplies the skin on the medial genicular region.

微分中值定理是微分学的基本定理。Differential medial value theorem is the basic theorem of the calculus.

目的探讨横穿鼻内眦韧带固定术的临床疗效。Objective To study the curative effect of transnasal medial canthopexy.

无一例位于C1侧块内侧三分之一前方。None were located in front of the medial one third of the C1 lateral mass.

方法应用小腿内侧皮瓣交叉移位修复对侧小腿骨外露。Methods Bone exposure of leg was repaired by use opposed medial crural flap.

在旋后状态下,踝关节内侧结构不处于紧张状态。In the supinated position, the medial ankle structures are not under tension.

图1-34用于距骨剥脱性骨软骨炎的内踝截骨术。Fig. 1-34 Osteotomy of medial malleolus for osteochondritis dissecans of talus.

平均说来,抽烟者比不抽烟者的中间眶额皮层要稀薄一点。On average, smokers had a thinner medial orbito-frontal cortex than nonsmokers.

降支下行与内踝前动脉吻合。The decending branch was anastomosed with the anterior medial malleolar artery.

目的探讨内侧型蝶骨嵴脑膜瘤手术治疗。Objective To discuss the surgical treatment of medial sphenoid ridge meningioma.

度内踝的横行骨折或三角韧带断裂。Stage I. Transverse fracture of medial malleolus or rupture of deltoid ligament.