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月经期要注意那些事项!Menses should notice those item!

月经量少,不正常。Menses amounts are few , abnormal.

月经期“闯关”是什么意思?Menses " enter close " what meaning be?

他们可以帮助调节月经,减少经前综合症。They can help regulate menses and reduce PMS.

女生月经期真的怎么吃都不胖吗?How does schoolgirl menses eat really not fat?

如果是妇女,必须是不在月经期和生产期。In case of women, to be free from menses and post-birth bleeding.

如果处于生理期或感冒,请于课前告知授课教师。If you are in menses or catch a cold, please let the teacher know.

月经变得不规则,会发生严重的突破性出血。Menses become irregular, and heavy breakthrough bleeding can occur.

一个月吃两次紧急避孕药,这个月经期会延迟吗?!A month eats urgent prophylactic twice, this menses meeting defer? !

治疗后第2或第3次月经周期恢复正常,月经量亦恢复正常。Menses returned to normal volume till the second or third menstrual cycle.

治疗因经血中混入纤溶酶而造成的经血为液态,从而引起的充血性经痛。Cure and regulate pain in menses caused by adulterate some kind of enzyme in blood.

内服红花熬制的药汤,对沉血和痛经有帮助。Internally take Hong Hua in a decoction to help with blood stasis and painful menses.

这些症状通常是可以预知的并有规律地出现于月经来潮的前两周。Such symptoms are usually predictable and occur regularly during the two weeks prior to menses.

痉挛只是经期子宫收缩使开放的血管缩小导致的。Cramps are just the uterus contracting to close down the blood vessels that open up during menses.

我的月经期经常提前有时侯甚至于16天就来了,是咋回事?。My menses often has ahead of schedule accession came 16 days even, be to return a responsibility how?

月经前期同等剂量每月一次用药对复发患者有效,因为大多数妇女月经前期发病。Redosing once per month just before menses may be effective because this is when most patients flare.

女性同样会遭受继发性闭经问题,月经开始继而又停经。They also suffer more often from secondary amenorrhea, a condition in which menses start but then stop.

妇女在怀孕期和月经期,腹部和腰骶部不宜使用推拿方法。Massage can't be applied to the abdomen and lumbosacral portions of women who are pregnant or with menses.

少年儿童及有严重低血压,胃溃疡患者和月经期,妊娠期的女性。Juveniles, children and patients of severe hypotension or gastric ulcer, and women during the menses or gestation.

据美国“今日生理”网站的报道,性医学专家温尼佛雷德·卡特勒博士发现,规律的性生活能调经。According to a report from US "physiology today", the doctor Caterlo found that regular sex behaviors can adjust menses.