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但由于种类的多样性、性质的复杂性、以及运行的隐蔽性,使得其融资风险很难被测定和估算。But because of the complexity of its character and its covert, it is hard to mensurate the risk of ROSCA.

应用这一方法针对镇江香醋的生产工艺定点采样,分析川芎嗪的产生机制。This method was used to mensurate the quantitative changes of tetramethylpyrazine to analyse the generant mechanism.

方法采用盆栽试验方法,测定了不同施水处理下金荞麦形态指标、生物量积累及二者分配情况。Methods Potted plant test was used to mensurate the morphological index, the biomass accumulation and distribution of F.

采用分光光度法对不同生长期川牛膝中川牛膝多糖进行含量测定。Mensurate the polysaccharides content of radix cyathulae amylase in individual plant through making use of spectrophotometry.

异步电动机可以通过空载实验和短路实验来测定其参数,但仅通过这两个实验无法将定转子漏抗分开。The no-load test and short-circuit test can mensurate parameters of asynchronous motor, but cant separate stator reactance from rotor reactance.

分4组,分别应用角叉菜胶、阿斯匹林,冷空气治疗,用玻璃容器法测量足跖肿胀容积。Carrageenin, aspirin and cryo- aerotheapy were applied separately in 4 groups with glass container method to mensurate the size of the tumorous toes.

通过改变汽蒸时的蒸汽压力和汽蒸时间,然后用白度仪测馒头白度值,最终确定提高馒头白度的最佳汽蒸压力和汽蒸时间。By changing the steam pressure and the times of steaming at the time of the steaming, to make the steamed bread respectively, and mensurate the whiteness.

方法采用放射免疫法在病程初期及恢复期分别抽取脑脊液测定其心钠素含量。Methods Draw out the CSF in the course of diseases in initial stages and convalescence, adopt the radiative immunological method to mensurate its content.

采用折光仪测定甘草浸提液折光率预测其产量,并通过实验确定测试最佳条件。Using refractometer mensurate index of refraction to forecast the output of liquorices ointment has developed and the best condition was ascertained by experiment.

针对国内塑料薄膜透气率测定仪器依赖进口的现状,设计本系统。Aiming at the actuality that the instrument used to mensurate the permeability of plastic film depends on import, this paper introduces the design of the mensurate system.

将微波消解技术应用于逐时络合比色法以便快速测定聚合铝溶液中的总铝含量。Microwave digesting technical had been applied to radiate the ferron mixed chromogenic solutions and to mensurate the concentration of total aluminum Al_T at the same time.

在陶瓷产品生产过程中,快速测量和有效控制粉体的粒度及其分布,对提高产品质量、降低生产成本具有重要意义。In the ceramic production process, fast mensurate and efficient control powder granularity and their distribution have important meaning in raising product quality and reducing cost.