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如果一颗流星砸中核电站又怎么办?What if a meteorite falls on the plant?

最近木星陨撃可能来自一巨大流星体。Recent Jovian impact probably came from a giant meteorite.

陨石主要是镍铁,而融化的影响。The meteorite was mostly nickel-iron, which melted on impact.

我关上陨石房间的门,又打开了走廊对面的门。I close the meteorite room and try the door across thecorridor.

有关火星存在生命体的争论主要集中在这块陨星中所发现的磁性晶体上。The debate centres on magnetite crystals found in the meteorite.

这个行星的表面布满了小块陨石留下的撞击坑。A scar on the earth's surface left from the impact of a meteorite.

来自南极格罗夫山蓝冰地区的GR99027陨石为一无球粒陨石。GR99027 meteorite from Blue Ice Area in Antarctica is an achondrite.

猥以微贱,当待东宫,非臣陨首所能上报。With humble, when two princes to east, the meteorite first can report.

陆建勋拿着陨铜块,在自己的密室细细把玩。Jian-xun lu take a meteorite copper pieces, in his own chamber of play.

1969年著名的默奇森陨石轰然坠落在澳大利亚。The famous Murchison meteorite smashed into the Australian ground in 1969.

当这位飞行员飞过英格利海峡时,他以为他看到的是一颗殒星。While flying over the Channel, the pilot saw what he thought to be a meteorite.

它是目前所有被研究的陨石中,包含“纳米钻石”数量最多的陨石。It contained the largest amount of nanodiamonds of any meteorite studied so far.

铁和矿物质会生锈,天气使陨石褐色。The iron grains and minerals will rust and weather making the meteorite browner.

铀铅衰变测的年龄跟在新陨石里的其他物质“时钟”显示一致。The uranium-lead decay age is consistent with other clocks in the new meteorite.

它看起来并没有图上这么梦幻,不过在一颗1971年坠落芬兰的陨石中的确发现了超强硬度的钻石。Two new ultra-hard types of diamond have been found in a meteorite from Finland.

这飞行员飞过英吉利海峡时,他看到的他认为是一颗陨石星。While flying over the Channale, the pilot saw what he thought to be a meteorite.

详细地研究了亳县陨石中的主要标型特征。This article deals with the major typomorphic characteristics of Boxian meteorite.

今天的天气晴空万里,心情却犹如低谷陨石一落千丈了!Today the weather clear million, mood is a trough meteorite suffer a disastrous decline!

展示在克兰的老陨石,重3.5吨和地球一样古老?The Cranbourne meteorite, displayed here in the old Meteorite gallery, weighs 3.5 tonnes.

1996年,在南极洲找到的一块火星陨石显示了纳米细菌形成化石的迹象。In 1996, a meteorite of Martian rock in Antarctica showed fossilized signs of nanobacteria.