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仲夏日之梦,有我,亦有你。Midsummer day, I, have you.

时逢盛夏,天气异常炎热。It was midsummer and very hot.

四月的达卡已近盛夏。Midsummer is drawing near to Dhaka in April.

仲夏雨过之后彩虹跨越天幕。Midsummer rain after rainbow across backdrop.

加小茴香的鸡蛋是传统的仲夏节食品。Eggs with dill are a traditional Midsummer food.

尽管这样,阿拉伯的春天也到了仲夏。The Arab Spring continues even now in midsummer.

在仲夏的黎明里,漂亮的女人总是还沉睡在睡梦里。Fair women are usually asleep at midsummer dawns.

而火与夏至日的联系也出现得很早。The link between fire and midsummer is also pretty old.

今年盛夏的一个傍晚,我应邀来到了阿廖沙的家。I was invited to Allyson' in the evening of this midsummer.

在我所有的记忆中,唯一使我难以忘怀的便是家乡的仲夏夜。In my all memory, what I can not forget is midsummer night.

老年人不胜忍受今年的仲夏酷暑。The old aged cannot bear up against the midsummer heat this year.

仲夏酷暑尤其令人难熬。It is particularly difficult to bear up against the midsummer heat.

那些地方在夏至日会有篝火会,爱情魔术和占卜的活动。These areas had fire festivals, love magic, and divination at midsummer.

而在夏至日收集的露水被认为能治百病。Dew collected during Midsummer is believed to have special healing powers.

每年6月21日以后的第一个星期五,瑞典全国都举行庆祝仲夏夜的活动。Midsummer Eve is celebrated across Sweden on the first Friday after 21 June.

女孩返回家乡的时候,正是一个炎热无风的仲夏夜。It was a hot still evening in midsummer when the girl returned to her people.

在芬兰的斯堪地那维亚,仲夏日是一年中的重要节日。In the Scandinavian country of Finland, midsummer is the main festival of the year.

大约公元前3000年在爱尔兰Newgrane地区的夏至宴会就能证明这一说法。There is evidence of Midsummer festivals in Newgrange in Ireland from around 3000 BC.

仲夏时节,中国国际展览中心绿意盎然。Green is the dominant theme of midsummer at the China International Exhibition Center.

据说在乡村,这一天还是青年男女交往选择伴侣的日子。It is said that, in the village, Midsummer is a day for young peopel to find their lovers.