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那个老接生婆皱了皱眉头。The midwife frowned.

那位助产护士给她妹妹接生。The midwife delivered her sister.

她们一离开,我就电话叫来了助产士。Once they left, I called my midwife.

一位产婆监督了孩子的生产过程。A midwife supervised the delivery of the child.

你的妇产科医师或助产师也是一个好的资源。Your ob-gyn or midwife is also a good resource.

当称出黛西的体重时,连助产妇都震惊了。Even the midwife was shocked when she weighed Daisy.

如果我们将这个意思替换之,那便会得到midwoman这个词。If we paste that meaning on midwife we get midwoman.

所以说,地下室里的工匠是历史的助产士。Thetinkerer in his cellar becomes history's midwife.

最终,我的助产士到了,来的还有她的女儿。Finally, my midwife arrived, along with her daughter.

助产士剪断婴儿的脐带并将它结扎。The midwife cut and tied off the baby's umbilical cord.

窝窝的教练与一个接生婆有什么共同点?What do Wozniacki's coach and a midwife have in common?

他的两个雇工协助接生员,于是孩子就出生了。Two of his men assisted the midwife and the baby was born.

作为助产士和母亲,我体会过新生命到来的喜悦。As a midwife and mother, I’ve experienced the joy of birth.

联合国促成了南苏丹国这个世界上最年轻国家的成立。The UN is midwife to the world's newest country, South Sudan.

他的实验由一种被称为产婆蟾的蟾蜍完成。His experiment involved a species of toad called the Midwife Toad.

给她修车的女人还有着另外一个接生婆的身份。The woman who repairs her bicycle turns out to have been a midwife.

一些女性喜欢寻求助产士的帮助,其他人则喜欢找妇科医生。Some women prefer to work with a midwife others prefer their ob-gyn.

共产国际在这一过程中扮演了助产士和监护人的角色。The Comintern plaid a rule of "midwife and guardian" in this process.

优秀的医生、护士或助产士富有爱心,并对提供卫生服务充满热情。A good physician, nurse or midwife has compassion, and a passion to heal.

一个小时之后,我的助产士试着把我从浴盆里哄出来,但没有成功。An hour later, my midwife tried unsuccessfully to coax me out of the tub.