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信中还要求他停止使用craigslist的内容。The missive demanded he stop displaying craigslist content.

我等候只有现在为一包裹从伦敦到完成这公文而且有完成了与这书。I wait now only for a package from London to finish this missive and have done with this book.

从此,这封信就遗失在那里十多年,直到施工人员在修缮房屋要拆除壁炉时才被发现。The missing missive was only found when builders removed the fireplace during renovation work.

格雷厄姆建议,在这个沟通无障碍的时代,不必非得在网站上大张旗鼓地发布离职声明。In this connected age, you don't have to post a missive on a website for everyone to learn about it.

诚然,偶尔辰给某个同事发去一封全是小写字母的简短信件完全可以接管。Sure, sometimes it's perfectly acceptable to shoot off a short, all lowercase missive to a colleague.

诚然,有时候给某个同事发去一封全是小写字母的简短信件完全可以接受。Sure, sometimes it's perfectly accept able to shoot off a short, all lowercase missive to a colleague.

后来,有人拿此信作为英国任由卡廷惨案被遮掩的证据。Some have since taken this missive as proof of Britain's connivance in concealing the horrors of Katyn.

那里面有一封致德莫福夫人的简短的正式书信,但信本身却很有内容,全是体己话。It enclosed a short, formal missive to Madame DE Mauves, but the epistle itself was copious and confiDEntial.

这是敝人所撰写的另外一篇有关风险行业复杂性和挑战的文章,借此谈谈敝人对此问题的进一步看法。This is yet another missive on my growing awareness of the complexities and challenges of the venture business.

从今天来看,通过40年前的该条被删节的信息,ARPANET网成为世界个首个运行的打包交换网络。With its truncated missive 40 years ago today, ARPANET became the world's first operational packet-switching network.

在事发几分钟后,一个幸存者在微博上发了一条求救讯息,被转发112,000次。Minutes after the accident, one survivor posted a plea for help, a missive that was reportedly forwarded 112,000 times.

就在队伍准备开拔之际,一只白蚁信使突然出现在城堡的门口,它带来了臭虫军队的一位将军发来的书信。As the forces prepared to march, a missive from a general in the bedbug army arrived via termite courier at the castle gates.

我把所有我能找到的挖苦的、羞辱的和残忍的话一古脑儿全写在这封信里面,这封信我当天就寄到了她的家里。I put everything bitter, shameful and cruel I could think of into that missive which I sent to her home address that same day.

检查拼写。如果你把所爱的人的名字写错了,你的信件很快会被丢掉。Check your spelling. Your missive will quickly change from a turn-on to a turn-off if you write that your lover is "eggskwisit" in all ways.

所以,在三个信封精神上,我总结说,如果看起来好像政治会赢,“辞职”。So, in the spirit of the three envelopes, I concluded my missive by saying that if it looked as if the politics would win, "Resign."I never heard back.

基地“组织的最高领导人藏匿在阿富汗和巴基斯坦边境的某个地方。Al Qaeda's top leaders are holed up somewhere along the Afghanistan-Pakistan border, apparently too harried to issue more than the occasional online missive.

还计划把信发到全国人民代表大会,这是一个最高议会性质的年度会议,每年3月5日开始举行,帮助政府执行下一年度的工作计划。It plans to submit the missive to the National People’s Congress, an annual conclave starting 5 March that will help steer the government’s work plan for the coming year.

文件还披露了公司首席执行官安德鲁•梅森八月份发给员工的备忘录全文——这封信可以说使得这家团购公司打破了静默期的限制。It also included the entirety of CEO Andrew Mason's August memo to employees – a missive that arguably caused the daily deals company to run afoul of quiet period restrictions.

美国USAA保险公司主席于上周发出的一封公函就是一个典型例子,这家由退伍军人经营的保险公司在恳求其客户向他们的议员传达他们的顾虑。Typical was a missive last week from the head of USAA, the military-based insurance company, imploring its customers to contact their senators with their concerns about the legislation.