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我们之间即没有恐惧,也没有不信任。There was no fear nor mistrust between us.

不信任权威,提倡去中心化。Mistrust Authority--Promote Decentralization.

现在,我们决不能屈从于悲观和相互不信任。Now we must not give into pessimism and mistrust.

但是阿根廷人民已经不再相信政府了。But Argentines have come to mistrust the authorities.

然而事与愿违,他们来到了一个不信任程度达到鼎沸的峰会。Instead, they arrived at a summit seething with mistrust.

否则,世界将面临数十年的敌意和猜疑。If not, the world faces decades of hostility and mistrust.

布罗斯说美国对华为的不信任最终将会不复存在。Bross says American mistrust of Huawei eventually will go away.

问题是,这种不信任就像一面镜子。The problem is that such mistrust leads to mirror-image desires.

在这种不信任之下的五年不知怎的让人感觉像是很长时间了。Five years at these levels of mistrust somehow feels like an age.

因为如果你不信任自己,你如何能相信自己的疑惑呢?Because if you can’t trust yourself, how can you trust your mistrust?

但在我们的经验中,有太多的管理员在不信任上犯错。But in our experience, too many managers err on the side of mistrust.

该社工人员必须处理这名孤儿对陌生人的不信任。The social worker had to deal with the orphan's mistrust of strangers.

自从我们有了演讲术以来,我们一直不信任巧舌如簧者。As long as we've had oratory, we've had a mistrust of the smooth talker.

前几次对话都以失败告终——并不仅仅是因为彼此的怀疑。Previous talks have failed – and not just because of calcified mistrust.

地峡对于意识形态的争论不休和对政治持怀疑态度。The isthmus seethes with ideological polarisation and political mistrust.

该社工人员必须应付这户穷苦人家对陌生人的不信任。The social worker had to deal with the poor family's mistrust of strangers.

多年的愤恨和不信任已经深深植入了一些里约热内卢最暴力的贫民窟。Years of hate and mistrust are thawing in some of Rio’s most violent slums.

一个被爱的妻子不信她恩爱忠实的丈夫真是一件忍心的事。It is very cruel for a well-beloved wife to mistrust a kind and faithful husband.

看到凤浩中眼中的疑惑,凤羽只是接着说道。See a mistrust as the eyes of Feng Hao, the Feng feather just swiftly after says.

这是一种代代相传的不信任,这同我们正在努力建设的东西无关。It's an inherent mistrust and it's nothing to do with what we are trying to build.