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为什么密特拉神会戴一顶弗利吉亚国的帽子?Why is Mithras shown wearing a Phrygian cap?

密特拉神的名字波斯语叫做“盟约”。The name Mithras was the Persian word for 'contract'.

密特拉神因此而成为了皇帝房间的权威和胜利的给予者。Mithras thus became the giver of authority and victory to the Imperial House.

密特拉作为士兵的武器而被崇拜,士兵和军队的资助者。Mithras was worshipped as guardian of arms, and patron of soldiers and armies.

三百多年以来,罗马帝国的统治者崇拜密特拉神。For over three hundred years the rulers of the Roman Empire worshipped the god Mithras.

赫拉西部,发现的密特拉庙宇拥有密特拉在马背上的图像。West of Hatra at Dura Europos, Mithraeums were found with figures of Mithras on horseback.

依照波斯神话,密特拉是由一位头衍为“神的母亲”的童贞女所生。According to Persian mythology, Mithras was born of a virgin given the title 'Mother of God'.

根据一些传说,密特拉神死后被埋在一个似巨穴的岩石坟墓,然后复活。According to some accounts, Mithras died, was buried in a cavernous rock tomb, and was resurrected.

希腊历史学家帕拉塔斯在普皮的生活也清晰地提到过密特拉崇拜在当时是十分流行。Plutarch 's Life of Pompey also makes it clear that the worship of Mithras was well known at that time.

密特拉的神圣职责就是通过与人类之间的良好盟约关系而确保普遍的繁荣。The divine duty of Mithras was to ensure general prosperity through good contractual relations between men.

在亚美尼亚的传统,密特拉被认为是把自己关在洞穴,每年浮现一次,重新诞生。In Armenian tradition, Mithras was believed to shut himself up in a cave from which he emerged once a year, born anew.

它主要是崇拜密特拉神,源自波斯和印度的神密特拉和其他琐罗亚斯德的神。It was based on worship of the god Mithras and derives from the Persian and Indic god Mithra and other Zoroastrian deities.

作为“真理和完全的神”,密特拉调用了庄严的誓言去保证盟约的履行,惩罚说谎者。As 'God of Truth and Integrity', Mithras was invoked in solemn oaths to pledge the fulfillment of contracts and punish liars.

依照波斯人的传统神话,这些洞穴庙宇是以密特拉创造的世界洞穴肖像而创造的。These cave temples were created in the image of the World Cave that Mithras had created, according to the Persian creation myth.

波斯人称密特拉为“仲载者,中保”,因为他被认为是站立在光明之神阿胡—玛兹达和黑暗之神阿里曼之间。The Persians called Mithras 'The Mediator' since he was believed to stand between the light of Ahura-Mazda and the darkness of Ahriman.

密特拉神被看作正义的灵魂的保卫者,引领这些灵魂进入天堂,而魔鬼就把他们拖入地狱。Mithras was seen as the protector of just souls from demons seeking to drag them down to Hell, and the guide of these souls to Paradise.

一些评论员猜测密特拉教崇拜的密特拉神是人与天和地之间的至高神之间的中保或仲栽者。Some commentators surmise that the Mithraists worshipped Mithras as the mediator between Man and the supreme God of the upper and nether world.

密特拉被认为是真理之神,天上的光之主,据说声称“我是与你同在的一颗星,从深处射出来。”Mithras was known as the God of Truth, and Lord of Heavenly Light, and said to have stated "I am a star which goes with thee and shines out of the depths".

一个圣人下凡,死而重生这样的观念,在这些社会已是流行的神秘学说,不难将密特拉神或奥西里斯神换成基督。The ideas of a Divine Man incarnating, dying and being reborn, were already popular mystical doctrines in these communities, and it was not hard to replace Mithras or Osiris with Christ.

太阳本身被认为是“密特拉的眼睛”,波斯人的冠冕,所有现世的冠冕都源于此,设计来描绘神圣的密特拉的金黄色太阳状圆盘。The sun itself was considered to be "the eye of Mithras ". The Persian crown, from which all present day crowns are derived, was designed to represent the golden sun-disc sacred to Mithras.